We're getting weapon skills?

They cannot refute my awesome sailor stock image

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logically hybrids are getting at least 1 rare spell because why tf would pure builds get 3 and hybrids none
and shell clearly expressed the hivemind of the vertex fanbase of which to give 3rd skills to the most overused weapons in the game (apart from sunken but its one of the most overused outside of the meta bunch)
plus rare weapons arent reskins, they will have unique statuses - or stats - and a unique skill, though it might not be unlockable (at least one will)
there is no real point to choose 3rd skills over rare weapons as rare weapons have twice the benefits if not more, so im pretty sure everyone who voted for 3rd skills just either didnt compare the two (wow new skill vs erm vind is what people think its about) or didnt know what exactly a rare weapon is.


^ this tbh



Im still in the mindset where vetcord voted 3rd weapon skills because they think they would be usable for Hybrids along with thinking the new Rare Weapons going to be only Warrior exclusive because of the Vindicator

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and technically one new skill (bladed’s flying phoenix) is useable by hybrids
also it was probably the mindset of “rare weapons are gonna be warrior exclusive”

and y’all are voting for rare weapons because y’all are coping that hybrids are gonna get any lol

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It should makes sense that hybrid will be able to use at least one, not like any weapons with the word “rare” will always have high stat requirement

maybe, but y’all are completly basing upon it as it is fact. i wouldn’t be suprised if hybrids get rare shit only when the level cap increases at minimum. hybrids already got good shit, let the pure ones get the stuff

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Hybrids will probably have one because it wouldn’t be fair of hybrids to not be able to get any attack added in the update. But I think it’ll still need high requirement, so hybrids get only one of those (like if you’re a warlock mainly focus on magic you can only get a rare spell)

Except I’m 90% sure it isn’t available. Unless I’m mistaken flying phoenix is 170+ weapon stat like all the other ones

You guys are complaining so much about this as if

A) its the last update ever
B) both wont eventually happen
C) as if the game will remain at level 125
D) as if warriors getting a few more moves is the end of the world
E) like if hybrids need to have access to this or else they are dead
F) as if meta>fun (warrior currently feels kinda shitty to play at times)
G) as if rare weapons will have the most unique game changing stuff, when its most likely (unsure) a better version of something we already have

Like the title of this topic, just stop bruh, like cmon. It was already decided. Its not the end of the world for hybrids, and its not the end of the world if we get more rare weapons later rather than sooner


Oh and by the way.
You know how goofy it is to be arguing solely for hybrids, as if pure warrior doesnt matter?
Cmon, if I want to move outside battle I better pray my arsenal has a good sword draw, and even that feels like crap

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also as if the nimbus sea update will take like 10 years lol.

i’m guessing it’s gonna be like 5 months after dark sea update tbh, (it’s factoring in the amount of time vetex is gonna take with fixing up bugs and such)


I agree with lots of what you said Maple, but that could put Vetex into a slump if all that was done at once