Were the Bosses supposed to be so hard to beat in AA?

literally just clashed with her and she died that very moment due to my awesome culasheeng skeels.

Best way to beat bosses, Gun, but sadly gun dose not work on curse users

I just threw a crap ton of posion on her and ran

That was never actually implemented into the games. So by all means…


too bad I could NEVER. ONCE. GET. AN. NPC. TO. CLASH.

damned purists want clashing off because “Oh, it gives too much opportunity for comeback”, but as soon as someone stronger comes along they want clashing on. I see how it is.

Did anyone else use the tatic of just throwing posion on all the bosses?

It works very well

nope. Poison is kinda shit and hard to hit with

It doesn’t do a lot of dmg and it doesn’t last very long

Bosses stay still for like forever and it deals a good chucnk if you hit them all

i remember playing AR and just straight up quit after seeing how bullshit the Marua fight is
perfectly balanced progression and difficulty spikes

You’re smart.

Cause it only got worse after that

thank God i did the correct choice

When I first killed him there wasnt anything after it yet, what have they added since then?

pure. unadulterated. bullshit

Do explain more

In my opinion, AR ain’t bad, just a bunch of bugs and other problems and inconveniences that AA already had.


Ramses II
Captain Sage
Theos the War Phoenix

(AR) Angel the prick
(AR) Prometheus the dick
(AR) And Rupin the Crimson twit!

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…And extreme toxicity. Don’t forget that.

and a general drop in quality from AA

Angel was already in, Ramses 2 seems like it would be hellish, isnt sage that boss on the emerald island that already exsisted?