What are some things you hope to see happen in the story?

Would be even better if with ship progression we get other slots for quartermasters so we dont leave out anyone :fr:

Yeah we really should have some fights with both friendly and enemy NPCS, especially since we’re out here fighting entire kingdoms there should really be some more large battles. I’d also like to see a battle between two kingdoms of which neither on our side and just have it be an all out free for all

Well regardless I wanna blow him up

That’s what i was assuming as to how the events in the Nimbus Sea will escalate.

Having a large battle that we just walk into would be really cool but I think that if it wasn’t just a cutscene it would instantly destroy the computers of 80% of players

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Only those with the strongest PCs shall survive, its natural selection

Nah man, I meant that we’re going help teach Arish about rizz. Or some whack like that.

Never l knew people have personal beef with him, like dang. Y’all really hate him?

arish is just a one time encounter

Bro’s known for being pretty difficult in the community, that’s also what i’ve seen from the AO wiki’s comments on his page.

I literally grinded him when the quest wasn’t nerfed because i was stupid and didn’t know about other methods of gaining lots of exp.

we still wont meet him, why would he leave cirrus?

Bro literally said in his quest that he wants to grow stronger to protect Cirrus Island.

Leaving cirrus island is not the way to protect it lmao

it’s only a temporary departure i think, but he’s probably going to join your side, eithe permamently or temporaily in the story.

One of the bosses becomes a quartermaster


Just have friendly NPCs like Iris fight with pure blasts and beams. Arguing that she is trying to not singe your clothes, or you, in the process. Or say that due to her training with Warren, she’s focusing her magic on a single point to deal more damage.

And with Morden, well, we’ve seen that it’s difficult to have him fight in teams since he has little to no control over the Death Curse. So let’s just keep him out.

And as long as the NPCs don’t have highly destructive/FPS needy attacks like explosion, or whatever the Marines are attacking me underwater with that has me M1ing at 2 frames per second.

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I would love to see more from the story than just us and the gang, and I mean things like how people do their lives and focus on world-building. The cultures of different countries adopted their aesthetics to reflect the weather and biome where they live. how their place affects their cuisine and cooking, and many cultural things that would be long to talk about.

Just normal everyday people there do with their lives, and not just as dumb outsider fodder to make us look cool and smart.


Bond levels with your crew and main characters.

And I’m definitely not saying it because people want to date Iris or Edward. :melting_face:

I just want more interactions with the main characters and make them feel, you know, like main characters. The crew we’re building up is pretty dynamic, and interactions between them would be great.

You know how the crew of your ship, deckhand or not, will sometimes spout random quotes? You could have Iris, Morden, Edward or Enizor throwing quotes out, or interacting with each other when you talk to them. Surely it’s a pain to generate a lot of variation lines to make them not repetitive, but even a little bit of interacting within the crew would make the game more immersive and alive.

Oh, and the bond level? I was thinking you could do stuff like fishing together, brewing together, cooking together, fighting together, whatever. Gifts are also viable. And you know what I was thinking? Increasing their bond level makes them help you in regular battles or follow you around. They hang around on your ship and when you ask them to, they’ll go with you, and if they get hurt in battle, they have a cooldown just like the Clash of Clans’ Barbarian King, Archer Queen and whatever the other guy is. :fr:

I’m pretty sure none of this is getting added because, well, lots to do and Vetex is busy polishing the game, and the story has to go on. And programming NPCs following you without them having to reappear constantly would be a pain. But… you know, dreams can at least still be dreams.


Not to say this isn’t a neat idea, but I doubt the main cast will assist in actual combat. Keep in mind vetex doesn’t want your ship’s crew fighting due to balancing reasons, I assume the same would apply to this


Moral dilemmas in story. MC is someone with a strong sense of justice, and theyll be led to be doing a lot of things in story. Id love this to be a point of internal conflict within the character and maybe the player too.

Conflicting point of views in the cast. Having an internal conflict with yourself is one thing, then it gets even more messier when you’re in a group. I’d love there to be differences in the point of views of the cast as we go along. If we do things that other characters disagree, or other characters do things that MC would disagree with, etc. It leads to a lot of interesting dynamics and gives a really good opportunity to actually explore the characters in the story. From the start of Nimbus Sea, we won’t be alone to make decisions anymore. Id love to see this actually explored.

MC actually screwing up, thinking theyre doing a good thing, turns out that they made a terrible mistake. Yep, this one. I want to see something like this actually happening, and this might even affect the character the most cause again… this is a character who does have a strong sense of justice in the story. It can even break relationships with other characters. It shows that this MC is actually very flawed in their point of view sometimes. There are a lot of good hints that MC struggles with thinking of the concequences, so this makes it even more likely.

And ultimately, learning that the world isnt white and black. I feel like this would be a lesson MC would learn after the “grave mistake” thing that they did.

EDIT: Yes, Im adding something in here, can be considered an addition to what’s above.

MC actually overcoming character flaws. One biggest thing Ive noticed that is a running theme through main story and even side quests is hubris. This guy, for an amnesiac, is way too confident in their abilities lmao. Also note that Hubris is also a common character flaw in Greek stories. Considering they’re also impulsive… yeah.

I mean, c’mon, dude wasnt even supposed to look for General Argos, they did it out of sheer spite.

I think the loss of memory with the Order may have actually stampeded theyre growth from this. You wouldnt be having this if you were to have such a horrid experience of powerlessness for several months. As horrible as it was, it wouldve humbled this guy a lot.

So yeah, Im saying I want them to not pull the punches and allow MC to experience more consequences from their actions, and have that serve as a focal point of character growth.


Just having more naval centered story quests would be nice. like I want to roll up to some order base and level it to the ground with my G.N file’s brig after taking 25 years to get there since it has less sailing speed than a caravel.