What are some things you hope to see happen in the story?

this is what i was talking about like wtf is that massive text :skull:

Sorry ;-;

i mean don’t worry about it maybe i’m just a lazy guy that can’t read uh like dunno 10 paragraphs of arcane oddysey text ?

If thou takes effort and patience, thou shall reach true enlightenment and wisdom!

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translation: just read it mf.

(I was joking, dont take it too seriously-)

that defending something part kinda reminds me of things like the Simulated Battles in PWNED: Aeternae Memori, and I feel like something with a similar mechanic could be cool to see in AO (except instead of defending some zone that can take damage, you’re protecting an NPC or something)

wtf Pwned mentioned? (have not heard that in more than a year)

I’m waiting for the next major update before I start playing again, I’m most excited for the story improvements they have planned

3 main things:

  1. Good writing

  2. Plot twists that nobody sees coming

  3. Players make decisions to actually impact the plot

elius and carina begrudgingly join your crew (assuming you didn’t kill them) because being killed by agents of the order is not very cool actually

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I still remember a time when I saw someone else talking about wanting to see Elius and Carina possibly become quartermasters, that’d be pretty cool imo

I’d like to see Ruby Roger become apart of our crew, like a quartermaster if you will.

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Ruby Roger is too great of a pirate to ever be delegated to a lowly quartermaster

Ah, I feel like a plot-twist that makes sense and isn’t out of the blue should be better. “Plot twists that some may speculate and were correct about, [making them satisfied of being right] (but thats too far of a short statement.)”


I think a good mix of the two would be plot twists that you don’t see coming but make sense after you know them.

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Not really entirely on topic, but perhaps Vetex goes back and rewrites the beginning. Why? Vetex has said before that it’s just starting and the story will get better which is cool and all, yet I notice that parts of the bronze sea are cobbled together likely to get gameplay out to release. You can see how some parts of the story (dialog, carina, etc…) are not as polished as, let’s say Fort Talos; which makes for a odd feeling of dissonance later on in ravenna. I have this probably unjustified feeling that if at anytime he feels the need to he’s going to look at the story and go, “Oh, this won’t be seamlessly put into the story.” And instead of taking time to finish it he’ll think back to the positive reception in bronze and focus on gameplay instead of finishing the parts that don’t fit well.

Oh, and a good opening makes for great player retention in the long run

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saw someone in the forums talk about a scenario where the player is actually escorted to ravenna as an honorable guest after stopping iris from melting frostmill. almost feels like that should’ve been the “obviously better” route for the story. they could easily have taken advantage of the player character’s amnesia to try and indoctrinate them, or something. it’s just disappointing that these clearly very important characters literally die off before they get any screentime past their bossfights

Considering the amount of story that gets cut out if we go straight from Frostmill to Ravenna I’m gonna have to disagree on that one. Not that I don’t think some characters could’ve had more story beyond their boss fights, but major alterations like that aren’t necessarily some objectively better route just because they incorporate interesting ideas. Plus Iris was kinda a local problem at the time and Ravenna wasn’t really all that interesting in helping Frostmill in the first place only ever coming by to buy ice and ignoring all their messages.