What are the eleven unknowns

they are big bois who can make world go boom boom

bruh cursebeard 9v1’ed durza who was like 200 levels below him and still lost :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

what a noob

He meant 1 being the most powerful 11 being the least powerful, although Freedrock is very scarily powerful considering he doesn’t use magic

vetex’s shitty ripoff of the yonko

He died to Zeus, not Durza

power would still be limited by durza though wouldnt it?

Kind’ve, also Durza had an entire undead army…

It was also Cursebeard vs Poseidon AND Zeus


He didn’t give Undead Prom all his power because then he’d just kill Durza

Zeus and Poseidon don’t need to be given magic, their domains can exert themselves

ohhh yeah nvm cursebeard gets curbstomped hard

Cursebeard used his full power to kill Poseidon and had nothing to kill Zeus

The last time he used his full power was to kill full power Prom

Prom needs aurem and his curses/magic to be strong while Poseidon/Zeus just naturally control their domains without magic/curses

they are unknown…

nobody knows

Wait… what do you mean by the eleven unknowns? What are they?

the thing is arcane goverment are literally marines

ah i read and tech said no

Are all of them decided by Vetex?

this Eleven ?image

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