What are the names of all the Sea Clusters in the Arcane Universe?

we got the War Seas (Arcane Odyssey)
we got the Old Seas (Online Fighting)
we got the Seven Seas (Arcane Adventures)

but how many sea clusters are there exactly? i only know of three

There is a total of 5 clusters, as said by a book in the Myriad

alright, whats the name of the other 2

Joe Biden and Fred

South and north america

red fish and blue fish

unknown for now

the all blue and solaris

pretty the old sea isn’t a sea cluster, and more like a sub cluster thats part of the seven seas.

this is seen in the fact that the AG is from the Old Sea, along with the One-shot pirates, Trigno, Rupin and Freedrock also rolling from the Old Sea to the Seven Seas

We dont know, but Im guessing that theyre based off of the continents. Oceania and Antartica dont count, as the former may be too small that it got obliterated, and no one lived in Antartica.

Europe is the War Seas, obvious with the fact that this is where Mt Olympus used to be, the British are probs here too, lol. Also, Morden’s name is derived from german, theres more European theming there.

So Seven Seas is probably the Americas either South or North. Perhaps South if we really want to really take the “opposite side of the world” thing literally. Its the closest to being the “antipode” of Europe.

If you wanna take the Old Sea into consideration, then maybe Old Sea was North America and then something happened that made them move. While I used to think that maybe Old Sea doesnt count as a Sea Cluster anymore, it didnt say that its gone, just that people think its cursed now.

Also, the lore doc mentioned that the people moved north, and there are theories that the magnetic poles of the Earth are now flipped, so they actually moved south, which gives more credibility to this theory.

Or Im wrong and that Seven Seas is in North Ameria the entire time and Old Sea is South lol.

So we have Africa to the south of the War Seas (or… north? Im confused), then Asia. I think parts of Asia got mixed wifh War Seas as Japan-based kingdom is in the War Seas (or they travelled there cause theyre closer?)


The other sea clusters are unknown right now, but I’m pretty sure the Old sea is canon
If I remember right, One-shot pirates, Freedrock, Rupin, Trigno and other such characters were from there originally, but the place was ravaged by chaos some time after the Dark sea was created, causing people to migrate to the Seven seas. It also does make sense for these people at least to have gotten away, as all of them are insanely powerful.

The Dark Sea was already created long before the Old Sea was destroyed. Something else happened that mysteriously caused it to be wrecked. I’ve got a feeling that itll actually be acknowledged in the main story… maybe implied in some way (as it was never removed or made non-canon even after the lore doc changes)

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Really makes you wonder what Trigno was doing :thinking:

Wow, Rupin was just that despicable

Nero got a fortress nuked

Rupin got a whole sea nuked

Common Nero L

If the Sea Clusters are based off of continents I would assume it goes

Old Sea / Seven Seas - The Americas

War Seas - Eurasia

??? - Africa

??? - Oceania

the seven seas are north of the old sea(s) so i would probably switch those around, but thats just me :man_shrugging:

You missed this part buddy

My theory is that it’s less flipped, but rather rotated since the compass points towards where the sun rises

Well, we know that the magnetic poles of the earth did move, since, if you haven’t noticed, the sun in AO and AR (and, likely, Online Fighting), comes out on the north and sets in the south.
Pretty sure that AR does mention that, I don’t know if otherwise has been stated.