What are the new fighting styles again?

I’m reformatting the Fighting Style wiki navigator again.

Also idk uhh, speculate what they might do or something.

One creates explosions via gunpowder, the other makes you “vanish”

Ohhhh it was vanish! Thx u!!

Gonna make it looks like this.

Why does Evander have a fs hes a warrior

He’s not, he’s a Warlord, he even uses a Strength Weapon.

oh yeah :sob:

weren’t the 2 new styles Karate and Knocking Fist?

They got cancelled.

they gotta update that list

don’t tell me you were the dude who gave the lost and ancient magics icons in the wiki :disappointed:

I made a few of them.
I only used to make icons because it looked like crap without them.


Why would you put Argos and Evander’s fighting styles under “lost” when we don’t know if they’re lost or common??? As if the wiki hasn’t spread enough misinformation about Argos’ style as is :sob:

They would fit better under the potential fstyles list, or their own list for fighting styles with unknown names and unknown tiers.

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A lost style is a style with no mentor in AO, so they fit to me, idk

It’s not confirmed that there will never be mentors for them. We can’t in good faith call them lost.

It’s more of a “until proven otherwise” deal to me. If you think of something better than “unobtanable styles”, hmu.

Why is “unobtainable styles” not sufficient?

It’s just so boring, I don’t want to replace lost for that. Ask somebody else, because I’m not making it bland.

It might be right, but you’re not getting me to do it.

Wikis are supposed to be informative first and foremost. Boringness is completely irrelevant and should not take precedent over truthfulness.