What are the new fighting styles again?

I’m not sure what made me think “lack of mentor means it’s a lost”, but it sure makes sense. I’m willing to make it more truthful and objective, but I have my limits.

Oh no, here they come.

Honestly kinda lame, if you were the one who put Argos and Evander’s styles under “Lost” then shouldn’t you be the one to take on the responsibility of fixing it too? But honestly it’s whatever, wikis are community projects and nobody’s getting paid for it. Someone else can fix the mess, idc enough to keep pressuring you and it wouldn’t be necessary in the first place.

alright, do you think it makes sense to anyone BUT you, or will it mislead others into thinking you get it with a scroll

I don’t doubt that you could, but I put nothing about them being obtainable.

Hi there, Evandar’s red effect is not a fighting style. Builds don’t exist in canon.

Source: Rayman Axel

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Well why’s argos have one?
Why can’t warriors do that?

His just so cool that vetex gave him a weapon aura

Ah hell naw, evander got a bugged warlord slot

That’s a cool fact, I’ve been wondering about it. Thanks for sharing. I kinda wish Evander did have a fighting style though… The two Warlord bosses we have so far are just Warriors with big weapons which I think is unfortunate. They don’t use their fstyles at all.


We got three lost magics, I want more special styles to be shown about!

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To be fair, that’s how most players use warlord

Argos is apparently Brute Force, it could honestly just be upgraded Basic Combat.

We actually haven’t fought a single style from a unique NPC besides basic combat and a few moves that use it a little bit.

I remember the topic where the Brute Force idea was created it’s completely fanmade

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Brute Strength was wiki misinformation, no one has ever provided an official source for it.

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oh God don’t start this again…

not-so-basic combat

Correct! Argos’ style (if it even is one) has never been given an official name.