What are the WORST magics?

Shadow is just really mid and bad, doesnt have an identity at all pls buff pls thx

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hold on there a second buddy

any one that I use

I lower the average skill of the magic by about 200%

in my own personal opinion, Plasma is worst magic out there, Scorched only fucking lasted 3 seconds which don’t even do anything since you can outheal it plus it doesn’t have extra AOE At all plus medicore damage sitting at 0.825x but atleast has 1.3x speeds

I just don’t like crystal
Disgusting magic besides if you are using them for color variation (I use pink crystal on a cherry tree file)
And it gave birth to the 2000 people named Walter white
And the only time it was good is when it was bugged with ironleg

Magma. I hate magma so much. No, I won’t explain why. Do I even have a reason? No.

It’s like fire+ I needa hop on it

Well, you are an ice deity and presumably you would probably turn into steamatical if you touched magma so I think that’s fair enough of a reason

Ok I do have reasons actually, they’re lag & Herodue

Steamonical :sob: :skull:

we imbue cryonical with pyronical

scaldonical status effect

how does this affect the arcane odyssey metanoical

i absolutely hate plasma, it’s the hottest magic in the game and i despise high temperatures

this is why i have 6 files that use it

isnt lightning hotter

The part of lightning that has a high temperature is plasma


no, but that is my second most hated magic

slumber lumber

why do you not like high temperatures :frowning_face:

Personally I love fire powers and things related to heat and energy, as basic as that sounds.

(Probably because I live in a desert and I’ve acclimated so much I actually enjoy the sun)

also I love how this thread derailed from magics that are objectively statistically underwhelming or bad to just magics people have personal bias against

to be honest, now that I think about it, pretty much every magic in AO is good in some way or another.

I’d have to say maybe metal is the “worst” since glass and earth in their own ways outclass metal but even metal can have it’s own usages sometimes

plasma; it doesnt work underwater, smallest attack size and DoT too low duration to even be used for synergy
sand; weaker snow, thats it
wood; weaker earth

weather above 25 degrees is just awful to experience imo

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