What are the WORST magics?

another one blind to the truth :pensive:

wood is a good magic y’all have no idea istg

honestly I’d argue that wood is a tiny bit better than earth with a little more speed, almost equal size, more reliable bleed, and heat synergy

also yeah wtf why is sand literally snow but worse… ig it has 5% more damage?

Sorry Nero :mariomug:
But wood just doesn’t see much use

i play fire mage (i like burning things)

hey guys what second magic should I pick for my shadow mage? I’m probably gonna run glass, but lmk if you think I should run smth different

yes run glass its a very good magic, trust

hehe pocket sand

naw wood is fire

Imma trust u for once


lightning is actually so ass this patch it needs at least a 0.2x damage buff to keep up with magics like shadow :wink:


whose side are you on smh

yours smh we need to riot against the balancers

excuse the necrobump but why did my eyes see “Personally I feel attacked” for like half a second?

Poison imo is the worst without any synergy calculations, unless it’s good now then idm

as a poison mage, you have absolutely no idea how wrong you are

poison… it’s one hell of a time

the playershredder 9000

Wood is hella solid, nobody uses it because 0 braincells.

I don’t really get why people dislike plasma so much
sure, it doesn’t have great size or damage, but 10% of initial hit per tick DoT is very good. Run a little bit of intensity and you can easily get up to 50% extra damage per hit simply from the DoT.
also it has some pretty powerful synergies, especially with high duration heat based status effects. If you hit someone who is bleeding, you clear the bleed, get 20% more initial hit damage, and a high % bonus damage on top of that from the DoT.
also the DoT is very short, so it will very often do the complete amount of damage instead of it being cleared by someone charging their energy.

in my opinion, fire is kind of eh.
it’s like a jack of all trades, but a worse one because shadow exists
sure, it has a pretty decent DoT, but it’s kind of just the most standard status effect that exists.
it has slightly better damage and size scaling than plasma, but it has way worse speed, so it’s much more difficult to reliably land hits