What are your best/worst PvP wins/losses?

Magic Savant Win: One guy with 300 hours or so and 80-something player kills jumped me while I was farming Centurions at Ravenna. Managed to land several potions resulting in me getting him down to low hp. We fought for a bit more and I managed to land a grab.

Magic Savant Loss: Quite embarrassingly got jumped while doing a fairly large cargo run, Ravenna-Redwake, about 3000 galleons’ worth of cargo. I went afk for a minute and the second I came back an AS player had rammed/was shooting at my ship. The ship was already under 1000 health and he sank my ketch, then proceeded to annihilate me in seconds while I lagged out. And blud stole all my cargo along with my galleons + I lost something like 4,000 renown.

But it did teach me not to AFK during cargo runs.

Damn, I hate when people fuck with your cargo runs. Just happened to me yesterday while I was tryna level up my magma mage slot. Good thing I left before my ship sank and I got combat tagged, though I still lost like 1k galleons.

So I was having my typical day in AO
a Warlord of the Sea grabbed my poster and decided to jump my 11k bounty
I ran and then returned to the same town later (I think I asked him if he wanted a baguette, not 100% sure)
got jumped on again so I ran into the sea (he had some skill ngl)
two whales spawned
man probably got killed by the whales (or drowned)
I got credit

Basically, beat a warlord of the sea by doing pretty much 0 damage.


Imagine being this big bad warlord of the sea, and just getting swallowed like Pinocchio lmao

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Not really a win or a loss but I once got ambushed by 3 max level guys in Cernunno and miraculously escaped with the help of a water breathing potion and safely logged.

But I decided to come back and try to fight them again because I wondered if I could win against 3 people and I didn’t really care about losing that time since I had low fame, but they left once I rejoined lol.

This was during when the only potions available were water breathing potions.

Most of my “best wins” are in Munera where I win consecutively with a random duelist, and my worst losses are mostly just failed ganks and the rare 1v2 enemy ambush so nothing too dramatic.

EDIT: Oh yeah all of those were as a Mage, I only PvP as mage.

Didn’t they not know about cannon fist?

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Mage win: Defeated boxi on their warrior file when the class had braindead AoE from vindi and triasta. Had triasta, greatsword and a bronze musket.
Mage loss: fighting key in the testament of othyrs tournament.

Warlock win: defeated this one good light mage in a munera 1v1 two times. I have the clips somewhere in PvP clips megathread.

Warlock loss: I’ll let @Goopman explain these if he wants to.

I got jumped by 2 guys (One of em were just watching)

I beat one of them before both of them realized I was the wrong target (Apparently I looked similar to a guy who hunted them). It was a nice win at least, I recently used my stat reset and didn’t have all my spells set up

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never had any w’s cause I stay away from pvp and have other stuff I prefer to do but my biggest loss (on my only save(which is mage)) was when I was around level 100 and doing cargo runs, I was on a caravel with all my money at the time in cargo when I got jumped by 2 assassin ketches and they sunk my ship and killed me. I also think it’s worth mentioning I had like 4k fame.

probably whatever this is

getting greened by pris 3 times in a row AND THEN losing to him on my turf (roleplay pvp)

in terms of wins I got these

Ash Thermo Magic Savant

Win - Made a Thermo Warlord quit by airstalling him in Munera
Loss - Couldn’t touch a Warrior

Poison Iron Leg Warlock

Loss - Kept losing to a Munera duel with a Lieutenant Warrior by trying to spam clouds
Win - instantly sweeped him when I used Poison Iron leg only

Metal Basic Warlock

Win - Outdps’ed Warriors and Mages
Loss - Too slow to catch up to Thermo Warlords

Ice Basic Warlock

Win - 3-0 a Ice Sailor Warlock Vice Captain on Munera
Loss - couldn’t outdps an Explosion Thermo Warlock when it was raining


Win - Won a 2v1 against LB Clan Members when I joined a server, did a combo on a skilled player as well
Loss - Lost to a Navy Water Ice Mage gank and drowning during a gank war (Pulsar Days)

Shadow Plasma Mage

Win - Abusing Pulsar against my Explosion Conjurer friend, juking a Navy Thermo Warlord really hard when he was hunting me
Loss - Couldn’t kill a Lightning Conjurer when Mage was meta

I have more files but they don’t have much win/loss situations

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A taste of his own medicine and i love it

Best Win: What’s a win?

Worst Loss: was fishing with a group of like 3-4 randos and one guy started shooting at us and since he was constantly bothering us we decided to try and fight him to chase him away. It was us against this one guy and we all got absolutely smoked it was so bad.

the fuck happened here??? :sob:

my best win: ive defeated a top 33 player

my best defeat: i got ganked my helios and yet i survived longer than expected

u look fun, i wanna 1v1 u, up for it?

Was a monarch had 2M+ Fame before reset V1.12. Legit PvP 1v1 in gardens. died once won thrice. got 290K fame. againts another 1M+ criminal

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