What are your biggest grievances with the current story?

Personally the one that bothers me the most is that Iris, Morden, and Neviro meet off screen and we only read about it in journals. Aside from Neviro who just kinda fucks off at the end of the bronze sea, these are our main characters and its kinda lame that their first interactions with each other happen off screen while we’re sitting through one of the most boring parts of the game.

Also a lot of the dialogue makes me want to off myself. “You’re evil can’t you see that?” bro stfu :sob:.


I’m not a big fan of the expository dump that is the story, like I understand that this information is vital to receive, but the way it’s currently done is very heavyhanded.

Also I think I mentioned before about how the story lacks emotional scenes that should be there and utilized, cause, yknow, we as the player have killed MANY people, and go on to meet their relatives later on.

We’ve got:

  • Carina insulting her possibly dead brother (though, “I’ll kill you, for his sake!” was pretty good)
  • Ulricus brushing off and so easily accepting of both of his possible children’s deaths
  • Revon’s breakdown, which is played off as comedic

ALSO how cordial the bosses are after we’ve defeated them


Was Revon’s breakdown played off as Comedic? Its been a while since I’ve seen it.

Yeah this is something I always thought was dumb, Elius is the worst when it comes to this, bro is bleeding out and dying and decides to be nice enough to dump some worldbuilding exposition on us. Like thanks? But also I’m gonna kill you so maybe you should think more about that


The fact that we fight him and he only has 400 health sets the tone that Revon isn’t a character meant to be taken seriously, and that casts over all of his dialogue after that fight. The framing of the shots too during his breakdown are very distant from his character, as if he was screaming irrationally at the main cast as we make our getaway, not getting up close to Revon so that we’re able to see and feel his distraught, anger, and confusion

I read it as him being a cartoony villain, not the mourning Prince of a ruined kingdom

Makes me so sad cause he’s my favorite character :sob: His ass would never use his last breaths to help out the player, im sure there are a TON of people that know extensively about Sea Curses that the player could learn from instead

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1: Neviro’s nonexistent introduction
Man is a random ass NPC on cirrus, says like 2 things, vanishes, and then shows up in the prison mines like we’ve known each other for a long time.
When I first got to the prison break part of the story I had to pause and look back to make sure I didn’t skip something and break the game.

2: Elius lore dumping curses.
This genuinely should have been Warren or Randal’s job.
I don’t even mind the lore dump but why is it Elius???

I don’t necessarily think that him having 400 health makes him unserious. More just shows us that at the moment he’s weak and acting in anger. If anything I think it, and his threats, kind’ve sets him up to be a much greater threat in the future

I think this might just be an eye of the beholder thing cause I didn’t get that at all, but I can see what you mean.

He’s just a chill dude I guess?

he was just trying to kill you with lightning for the benefit of a pure evil cult with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

i think you mean “trying to run away from you while doing chip damage”

Bro that was like 30 seconds ago, you gonna hold a grudge forever :roll_eyes:

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I do understand this, but RIGHT after the calvus fight it almost makes him laughably naiive to challenge us, and I couldn’t really see past that throughout the aftermath

it might just be me that see it that way, but ppl on here do love to clown on him

I think a bit of it might just be the community clowning on him so much that it worms its way into people’s minds that he’s a total joke.

I don’t think the moment would really work at another time, right after Calvus’s death is when he’d be the most angry. If we don’t have this moment then we don’t get the set up for later, and when Revon does comeback later people are gonna barely remember when we met him at Rasna if at all. Despite the fact that this scene has led to Revon getting clowned on a lot it has succeeded in making him memorable, which can be to great affect depending on how his return is handled. That said if his return is fumbled then this seem just becomes doubly bad and its just over for Revon, he’ll never live it down.

honestly just wish it was handled with a bit more care, like maybe we see a scene where Revon finds Calvus in the throne room and stares out the window and says the same things to the player as he watches them sail away (or not, dont listen to my dumb ideas lol)

That also brings up another grievance I have, and its that we never really get to see what happens in the world around us that the player isn’t directly involved in. I think you mentioned it a bit with how the main cast meets off camera, and honestly letting us see different scenes away from what the player can directly see could help make the world feel a bit more alive and less centered on the player’s actions (though, its not too big of an issue if vetex wants to keep the perspective contained)

he sounded like a malding child to me

Honestly that would be good(I personally just like that the player has one final interaction with Revon before we take off but that’s just a matter of opinion), might have to have the player take off from a different position though cause the Shining plains isn’t visible from the castle.

Would be nice if after a boss battle or some important moment for our character, a cutscene plays showing either the after affects of what we’ve done both on people and the world at large, or just showing us what the enemy is up to at the moment. Like if in Nimbus we do something that has an effect on the coming war and we get to see how Wotan or his sons react in Keraxe. Or maybe even if we don’t do anything to mess with Keraxe but we just get to be introduced to Wotan and his sons earlier so we have some characterization on who they are and how they interact with each other without us around before we actually meet them. Stuff like that would be cool.

To be fair he’s face to face with the guy that just killed his brother


It gets better

My favorite part of the Nimbus Sea is when Wotan said “So are you on some kind of Arcane Odyessy? You aren’t strong enough to survive in this World of Magic.” and reveals his Metal Curse


Its really sad how some of the opportunities were misused.

  • Noone in the Bronze Sea cares that we killed Calvus
  • All nps are like “oh hey, stranger, here’s lore”
  • Fort talos could have been a cool jail-escape type of thing, with Aswald (forgot his name) betraying us and saying “Ahaha, you really thought i would give out such secrets to some randoms? You idiots”, after which we would jail-escape till we find cloud-curse-user and on our escape, confronted with Argos
  • There is no preporations for Julian, a simple “You feel immense aura” text message in the middle of storyline would have been cool.
  • Carina is patheticly weak, why not gank us? Like, during the fight, some npcs appear.
  • And i kinda dislike that through out the story, especialy Ravenna, we are alone. Hey Iris? Neviro?

This especially, really wish they would let our supposed allies actually fight alongside us sometimes. Maybe let Morden help us a little bit in Fort Talos before he goes after the death curse, that way we could’ve met Beringer together so its not a weird thing where Morden already found him and he already gave the important info. Also would be nice cause then we’d at least get to see Morden’s magic before he gets the death curse