What are your predictions for the next sea?

how so ;-;

is it the curve? cause i was mostly referencing the third sea if we want to compare it to what one of the 7 seas look like.

I predict that Sameria’s capital (Were we’ll go to meet the Queen) will probably be a Ravenna-sized desert island, maybe with Arabian architecture.

Sky Monsters

I think Nimbus will be split by Sameria on land and Skyhall on the Sky
Pretty sure that Jern Redside talked about Sameria being a hot sandy place

I think Sameria having Arabic architecture is a good guess. But then again, who expected the dollar store Roman Empire to be in the fucking Sahel.

In my opinion, Ravennese cities don’t look good. This isn’t Vetex or any of the builder’s fault. Roman houses are generally shit looking. But the historical accuracy is through the roof (pun absolutely intended). Good job to the builds for maintaining historical accuracy.

ok yeah nimbus sea is pog but if sky islands are a large part i kinda want customizable sky boats

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Imagine Sky Boat combat :skull:

these guys would be found hovering OVER clouds(since it wouldn’t make any sense if they were just hovering in the sky)

A special mechanic would be at low fuel(30% fuel) they’ll head back to the nearest cloud to regenerate, or they’ll have cloud water to refuel.

Rubica looks breathtaking from a distance
But it’s ugly up close

I already did! A sky ship fight would probably go something like this:

User1 see’s User2 on their sky ship

User1 rams into User2s ship, User2 tries to shoot cannons at User1 but misses

User1 boards User2s ship

Instead of spamming skills, I can imagine the two players using M1s and skills like Whirlwind and Flying Slash to defeat the enemy. It would most likely turn into an out DPSing game in order to avoid flying off the ship and into the Dark Sea.

Not gonna lie, Rasna is better. Rasna takes advantage of it’s space, but Rubica has a bunch of buildings we can’t even use.

It would be awesome if they had indoor restaurants and hotels in Rubica, but instead it’s just the usual outdoor vendors.

Yeah, the reason why places like ironport and summer hold felt so alive in WoM was mainly because of the building interiors. You could go in and see everyone’s houses and stuff

YES, everyone loves the feeling of exploration when every house has something inside of it.
Even the Ironport Tavern is cool, even though we never got to use it.

The Tavern on the Borealis Shipwreck was always my favorite place in AA/AR

meh the AA buildings were kind of mid, but the thing that made them so cool was that as a kid it was probably the best thing you could ever see

In fact my first time playing AR it just felt amazing, but the buildings weren’t really super thought in like WoMs buildings were(a lot of structures in AA/AR weren’t super fleshed out) . Although, maybe that made the game more playable, since WoM having super detailed things probably made it more laggy.

i guess we will have 1 order duo every sea, other than that… lots of overpowered enemies because vetex doesn’t know how to balance his games (this man needs help)

we can predict racist sky people

This would be pretty cool ngl.

Mayor Tilly boss fight at the end of evil run comfirmed???