What did vetex do to lost magics


atomic magic comes from lightning magic
explosion magic also comes from lightning magic
it seems reasonable within my line of thinking that atomic magic will be explosive

spectre’s trello and webcomic, which while the story is not entirely canon, trollus said she discussed the magics and mutations with vetex and tech when she was making the mutation chart, so i expect those at least would be accurate
https:// Trello
https:// Trello

also atomic doesn’t mean explosive or radioactive, just atoms
and why would atomic magic be explosions if there’s literally explosion magic in the same mutation tree


No normal person actually uses it like that though.

anyone who knows the word atomic for anything other than just the atom bomb can, atomic is used to describe plenty of things that are not explosive
besides, the atomic bomb isn’t called atomic because of the radiation and explosiveness, it’s called atomic because it splits an atom, so even then the word is just being used in the sense of relating to atoms

tbf metal and crystal are both in the same tree and they both fulfill a niche of being slow heavy hitting magics

metals and crystals are two different materials that both appeal to different people and aesthetics, having explosion and then explosion again are the same thing

what’s happening

Probably wind tbh

probably both


i feel like wind and glass and other bleed-causing magics
metal probably because that’s the main source of most slashes (swords and the like)

Aw fiddlesticks.

in defense of this: vetex was a teenager when he wrote that so he likely meant explosive stuff

A lot of magics are already slinging atoms anyway

Yeah he’d remember curses, but a specific one like the speed curse which gets like no use isn’t gonna be all that memorable

atomic magic is specifically about controlling atoms though, it was about deconstructing and reconstructing the opponent’s attacks to use for your own

wait if it’s about deconstructing and reconstructing my opponent’s attacks why not just. deconstruct my opponent

probably same reason plasma or magma doesn’t just instantly melt all their skin off, you could deconstruct people considerably weaker than you but not those equal in strength