What did vetex do to lost magics

I explained my decision in the above message

Also, “apocalypse bringer” is absolutely an adjective, it’s just a title

“Apocalypse bringer” isn’t a very good name on its own. It’s a title, like “king Nero ceaser, the apocalypse bringer.” (aka an adjective)

this is a noun made up of two nouns, apocalypse, and bringer. technically all magic titles could be considered adjectives since they are being used to describe the type of magic they are, but the individual words in each one is still a noun

no this is still a noun, you’re just calling him the noun

oh whoops you’re right I was looking at a too-old version of the magic types list on trello :skull:

I ain’t paid enough to get into grammar arguments with you the budget already got exceeded with the quantum physics one

wood is named after an adjective

better save up, next one is theoretical physics

I forgot about Lunar indeed, but that’s a special case (as a noun variant would either be a forgotten synonym or a long combination of words).

Bruh. Saying something like “that’s metal!” is using it as an adjective. Metal as in “metal magic” is a noun. With Apocalypse bringer it’s the same deal.

metal magic IS metal though

Oh god thinking about this is scary. I already struggle with light mages using attack speed and multi hit giving me the same vision range as the legally blind.

personally wish i could use the same magic or fs other than basic for savant. also doesn’t light and water work for healing?

I’m talking about how metal is used to call something cool. Thats what I mean by “thats metal”. If you’re taking about the physical thing metal, thats different

Exactly :metal: