What did vetex do to lost magics

the trello says “sea-based activities”, whatever it is, a lot of people will still go search for a hecate essence

Vetex said he was looking for a way to remove the lost magic scroll system all together for a while, cool to see hes finally got around to it

I think its neat and makes sense


Well, we still have scrolls for fighting styles

Meanwhile Strength mains on their way to loot a Vimir Sealed for a Lost Fighting Style

I just realized that this implies that Mages won’t have to search for a specific type of Hecate Shard to get a mutation they want, while Berserkers will have to hope and pray their first Lost FS Scroll is the one they want.

F in the chat for Berserkers

To be fair there are SIGNIFICANTLY less fighting styles

It does at least mean that if a berserker finds a hecate shard, they can trade it to any mage who is looking for one, rather than having to have the specific one that the mage wants.

Vetex in 2039 deciding to make evolved fighting styles require an item called a “Herculean Shard”

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vetex in 2052 making marrying mayor tilly require an item called the rizzful shard

Fartman stop glazing

damn… imma have to go fetch me a hecate essence for fire :skull:

And Steleus at Sailor’s Lodge


On this topic, I wonder what will be done for lost fighting styles for strength builds now with this

Yeah it might be changed, but since fighting styles is such a different concept to magic it is probably going to be different

For radius fist you gotta find freedrock that has a 1% chance of spawning per day on any in-game island

there are more lost magics than ones that are similar to a base magic, like gravity, healing, and wave magic
those are the ones i have planned for my files, but none of their base magics will probably fit

i think it can still be obtained from scrolls, hecate shards are just another alternative way




With the exception of the upgraded styles (Which we have no idea how they will even be obtained) Most of the styles wouldn’t logically “evolve” into one of the lost styles

It used to mention scrolls in the trello card, now it only mentions the shards