What did vetex do to lost magics

oh my pic outdated i think idk

file doesn’t use wind

file doesn’t use light

you don’t know what wave magic is

I know what wave magic is

I’m just guessing what magic they’ll be associated with

Vetex has honestly made more of a point to wave being unrelated to water than anything else tbh

why would it be associated with water

Watch vetex go against any logic and make wave magic exclusive to Water magic, gonna be the biggest twist

Wave ends up being a mutation of glass

The changing an existing magic to a similar lost magic part sounds annoying. I guess with Hecate essence you don’t have to start with a magic you don’t like or don’t want to use in place of another base magic to get the lost you want, but that’s still really annoying cause then you gotta find a hecate essence once you want to get a lost. Its especially bad if you wanted to still have the base magic you wanted cause then you have to go find another hecate magic to change it back after using the base magic you didn’t like as much to get the lost you wanted.

Name, again that’s just my best guess I’m not stating anything for a fact here

if you’re going off the name then it should be a mutation of light or wind


light wave, sound wave

Are you implying water doesn’t have waves

I think wave would be Water, but if I had to pick something for a better reason, I’d go with Shadow. It gives off the same vibe.
Shadow sucks up light, it sucks up color, and Wave sucks up energy.

i’m saying wave magic is more similar to light waves than ocean waves

Fair enough

this is actually very wrong though, there are many combinations people will want and choose that don’t align with this

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Hecate essence before you use it then

why should that be a requirement just because i didn’t choose the 1 magic that mutates into the lost i want, it’s such a band-aid fix for this problem, and a poor one at that

Vetex never had any problem with blatantly ignoring qol before