What do you hate most about World of Magic?

Post everything you hate about world of magic here, rants are welcome.

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Fucking hate the current enchant system. Hey did you get a sunken chestplate? Welp now you have a 1/8 chance of actually having a useful item.


I hate lightning and everyone who uses it


I sympathize


oooh lord do i despise the meta magic users, especially the ones who ask “what’s the best magic” for the 23418312383281238th time


i don’t think he dislikes how it looks, just the fact that it’s literally the most overused shit in the game


the fact that the game turns into a motherfucking still image whenever someone decides it would be a good idea to destroy the silent tower


I fucking hate vetex’s over reliance on RNG. Up until the fishing update, it was pretty easy to get a good build completely in just ~10 hours of putting in time to do chest routes, as the main thing you needed was crowns for upgrading and enchanting, and you can find crowns almost anywhere. And it was fun exploring the world, fighting camps that spawned along the route, and refining the route! It might’ve been a tiny tiny bit annoying with getting a bad enchant, but it was fine since the gear you needed you could get while crown farming. With the fishing update, it’s now completely not worth it to even try to enchant sunken, or even fucking get it. I fished up 8.8k fish before my first sunken, and even then it was fucking leggings that I don’t want and can’t trade because there’s nothing worth sunken that’s below it, and nothing worth sunken sword that’s below it. I fucking hate that people got a full set in like 4k fish along with the sword, while I’m sitting here at 9k fish with 2 leggings that I don’t even dare enchant because they’re worthless in trading with a bad enchant. Statistically, I’m supposed to have one of each piece. But fuck me, I get 2 of the same piece. I wouldn’t even be mad about it if there was a way to somehow guarantee a good enchant on one piece of fucking 1/2000 armor, but vetex has completely shut down anything regarding disenchanting, changing enchants, or choosing enchants this early in development. This game used to be fun to me, but now I have 200 hours fishing and 2 sunken leggings to show for it, and the grind has driven away every single one of my friends that has shown intrest in this game.


lmao you probably lost like 10 sunken items.

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nah man at like 500-1k fish I made an autofisher, it drops like 1-2 catches per 1k and gets items super consistently, and constantly.

Yo can I have a copy of that plz. I tried to make one myself using AutoHotKey but it messes up on like every 300 catches or so. That is even if I can get it running smoothly in the first place

no it took me like a fucking week of learning an entirely new programming language to me, coming up with multiple ideas and testing them overnight a few times, and talking with someone else for coding tips, and debugging the final product. I haven’t even made a UI for it yet, and I don’t think I ever will because my friends totally dropped the game and they’re the only people I might give it to for free

yeah I’d think the silent tower would be a behemoth with tons of structural support and health since it’s the magic council’s main base in the area but no if you’ve got a particularly destructive magic you can just shoot a corner and it’s come down in no time

it’s an mmorpg dude you’ve kinda just gotta deal with it if just anyone could get a sunken sword doing chest routes that’d kinda devalue the thing

the fact that you can’t get it during normal gameplay is what makes it hyper desirable

I hate people just snipe shoot me and when I found his/her hideout she/he left to avoid fight

I hate how this game is so good like come on its goated.


eat my balls
retard selector



magic sensing is gonna end their escapades real quick


did you read what I said? I never said that you should be able to get it during chest routes, I said that I got completely fucked over by RNG after fishing for fucking 200 hours to try and get the sword once, while some people get it within like 2k, or the full sunken set and sword after 4k. that sucks for me, but what sucks even more is that vetex fucking refuses to improve the enchanting system, and has completely shut down almost every community idea for improvements. instead he just puts in another layer of rng for no discernible reason that I can see, so that a few lucky people get sunken with strong or hard enchants almost instantly and some people are fucked over, sitting for hundreds of hours fishing just to get nothing
and the reason the sword is desireable isn’t because it’s rare, it’s because it is the main meta of PVP and gives you a huge advantage, though it’s getting nerfed in the next update and the meta thing is a whole other discussion