What do you hate most about World of Magic?

come on I’m not a Google-ing guy.
I am actually studying.

I can actually believe you’re studying since I’ve never heard about a redox or whatevs haha

and this guy doesn’t even know what combustion is

Yeah been a bit over aggressive.
Just, because that’s what I’m learning so lol.

You still need sources my guy, I might aswell say “Water is made out of acid, I study astrology so what Im saying is true!”


I literally send you wikipedia pages as proof and you brushed them off without countering them at all and just calling them my ‘‘chemical reaction bullshit.’’

You dont even know what a reaction is

In class bro how do I extract the class out lol.

combustion is a chemical reaction, IT’S LITERALLY STATED ON WIKIPEDIAimage

by finding other sources that back up what was said in that class, if what youre saying was only said in class and nowhere else than its pretty likely that its false information my guy

Yall should stop arguing before someone closes the thread.

You know I have exams right?

A reaction produces new substances it literally says it here

So? You still need sources

ight No one is king
Time to shut

It will get closed anyway once someone notices our argument about chemistry unless someone brings this thing back on track once this argument ends without being interrupted by a thread lock :confused:

Ight Whatever stop
Off-topic for too much

Btw just ask your teacher they can answer you

yes it produces Co2 from oxygen, it is a reaction

you still haven’t disproven me at all, try harder.

Yeah ok let’s just stop this is going nowhere

even if your teacher tells you something you still need more sources than “my teacher said so”