What do you hate most about World of Magic?

yes there is aerial combat, but I’m not only talking about spells, I’m talking about literally any ability stunlocking you

why isn’t charging a spell while running a thing?
why can’t it be that only the casting part freezes you and not the charging part? why not make it optional or spell specific? Like what’s stopping me from charging up and doing a suicide run at someone with a charged self explosion that would have less power to allow for some mobility?

what’s stopping me from charging a blast while free falling?

I understand, it’s just so people can actually hit each other, but stunlocking people after, during and before you start casting something? that’s bullshit.

And yes I know the AI in this game is good for a roblox game. I don’t have that much of an issue with it, it’s just how they exploit their buffs like infinite stamine and magic energy, and how the pathfinding is so straightforward and annoying you literally can’t do anything against it until you get stronger.

It’s like the game purposely has reduced the power the player has to kill an npc by breaking what I’ll just call a ‘‘skill barrier’’ (no better word for it idk) and instead tries to force the player to break the ‘‘lvl barrier’’ to kill an enemy.

Sure the stronger your level is the more tools you have at your disposal allowing you to ‘‘deal more damage to the skill barrier’’

But that doesn’t change the fact it’s almost impossible to fight npcs very early game without certain death, no matter how good you are.

This might change as more features (dodging, the game getting further polishing, etc.) are added though so this is just a minor thing, which does annoy me sometimes

isn’t that a lost spell type?

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confusino 9999999


that’s basically this

yeah but this is just a blast and something you can only use once in a while

I dislike the fact that people feel like they need the meta gear to be the best, completely disregarding how skill plays into things. They don’t need a sunken sword to be a beast at PVP, if they master their skill set instead of grinding fishies, they’ll be a lot stronger than they were.


At the moment, ice has a pretty good melee tank build because you can cancel basic melee attack animations and great spin combos into self explosion on read so at close range it can do a lot of damage.

But. . .

You can’t deny the fact that a Sunken Sword Spammer, will destroy a person in like 15 seconds.

Hate how defense and power tower over every other stat and there is no known good solution to make other stats just as good at low levels.


the game is very stale as of now, a lot of it depending on luck, finding players is a nightmare sometimes if you want to pvp and there’s overall not much content to mess around with as of now. Stats are a mess and everything that isn’t power or defense is considered bad. If I had to specify what I disliked the most it would probably be the “randomness” of everything, like quests just not appearing for a long time and then eventually they would come but be some stupid starter quests or something, or enchanting items and only getting one chance at it.

It’s because at lower levels they can’t be turned into good stats.

The only possible way of doing that is by remaking the game’s map, mechanics, movement and changing it into a sort of arsenal like shooter except with casting magic spells and it being an rpg game.

You can not give players extra speed at lower levels because they’ll just dodge everything and cheese the shit out of the game.

You can’t give them better magic speed because they’ll turn into 20%/20% snipers.

You can’t give them more destruction as it wouldn’t make sense.

You can’t give them more casting speed since what’s the point of not using magic circles when you your casting time is 0?

The game would need to be made with voxels and god knows what more, probably not even in roblox to avoid lag and bugs. Maybe in unity.

There’s no fix for this :pensive:

How do you dislike a comment

I suggested something that I think should work and a potential implementation that should be balanced at any level a few days ago.

Ended up getting a lil bit of traction, but Idk if an overhaul this drastic will ever get added…

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The goose at the end was a very very nice touch.

The grindiness. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t my first rpg game, I’ve played AA, and I knew what to expect. But the enchantment and sunken grind on WoM is just soul crushing for many people. Myself included. If sunken armor is going to be 1/2000, BUFF IT. It has to be worth the grind, double or triple it’s stats or something. Saying that it’s low level armor isn’t a valid excuse, it’s RARE. As for enchanting, vetex shut down disenchanting suggestions. I know why, but the reason confuses me. He doesn’t want people to get the strongest possible armor that easily. I understand that, BUT WE ENCHANT FOR THAT PURPOSE, to make our current gear the best that it possibly can! I like WoM, but something needs to be done about sunken, enchants, NPC AI (which isn’t bad by roblox standards but needs work), and bow bandits being extremly hard to kill while MC captains are easily cheesible. (I can’t kill them but several people have :cheese:)

Some of these comments are a bit harsh for a non-company 20 yo developer who develops games on pathic server supported, bullshit optimization base, but ngl most of these comment are gold, these are true problems. they need to be fixed, especially the rng, like a retarded blood-sucking mobile card drawing game.

compared with other Roblox games, at least I can see this game is made with heart, or even outstanding, not a fucking microtransactions game. and as it is still in beta, I expect problems like these, but they should not be long-lasting. Many main features still haven’t been added, at this point, I can’t say this game sucks, nor perfect, but I do look forward to the full release. I respect well-made games and developers who tried hard to improve their products. like No Man Sky, originally sucks, now they deserve a purchase. as the development continues, by the point when I think the game did please a lot of us, I will definitely purchase some in-game stuff or donation to support the development.

YES, I wrote this because I am sure the developers gonna see this topic. gamers are hard to be pleased, but they always pay respect to heartful developers. although in this section, there are quite a lot of problems, such as every 5 appearance quest I got a ”kill the dark wizard", which in fact the target is a villager, still I feel a lot potential in this game. by far, I did enjoy the game. so please keep on going. cheers.


You have a fair point, It’s one man V.S thousands of people. Based on the games trello, WoM will be fire once it gets out of this ditch.

My rant on the enchanting system says it all…

Other than enchanting most of my issues with the game are minor and tolerable.
Legendary Gear should not take 2kish hours to get and get the enchantment that you want for it.
[ current rare gear is also bs but Legendary Gear is a good example of just how bad it’ll be long term if the grind to get Legendary Gear is 4xish the grind of the sunken iron set ]

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well the game surely won’t be remade, it’ll only progress forwards to a point where we’re high enough level to not care anymore lol