What do you look for in a suggestion?

If say that specific feature was not added, do you think that the topic of adding it would be brought up again?

Anything well written with thought put into it which accounts for game design.

What do you think about power levels? Like the ones that existed in AA supposedly and the one that exists in AR? They allow players to their own and other’s power levels in numbers. What do you think of the player stats, which is presented in numerical form?

thats cool

if you wanna suggest power levels (which is already going to be a thing anyway) or a potential new stat, go ahead

just don’t start talking about how you think those numbers should scale because that does nothing but push people away from the idea you want to present. and also i dont care

because you’re not the one directly working on the game. none of us are.

vetex, however, is. so if there’s anyone who would know how exactly to scale those numbers and values, it’s him.

But what if it’s a feature that you don’t agree with? What kind of feature do you think would benefit you, the community and game design all together?

Wait sorry, I misread your post. I thought you meant that you don’t like long list of numbers to read through, like the stats page.

On that realization, I don’t actually have a question. Sorry for my odd question that have nothing to do with your post.

actual effort and a good idea.

I say this knowing full well that most of my suggestions had neither of these.

What do you look for in a good idea though?

Y’know, something that actually adds something interesting and/or fun to the game. Not just a new lost or primordial magic or another generic suggestion of some kind.

A good example of this would be:

By no means a super huge addition, but still a very neat idea that wouldn’t require much dev time to make.

honestly i don’t mind lol, i like talking about this kinda stuff :slight_smile:

although i do feel like i failed to clarify exactly what i meant when i said that.
when i say i don’t like reading through numbers and shit i’m specifically referring to this fucking hellspawn of a suggestion here (which i made in april, funnily enough)

because while i still think the idea of replacing impact fist’s brainless keymash-fueled meter with one that fills by actually dealing damage is a step-up, this entire section either just brings in other flaws with the concept that wouldn’t be fixed without changing some things (which, again, is vetex’s problem, not mine), or would just make people not want to read it because all it does is make the post longer than it needs to be.

… aside from the inherent negative bias that comes with impact in the first place, anyway

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I like reasonable suggestions that are small-medium sized. And by reasonable I mean stuff that isn’t “AdD kIlL maGic, wHAt IF thEre WeRe Pets? a LegeNDArY AQuA tRIdeNT ThaT yoU CoulD gET By dEFEAtING my oc a BosS Would BE kOoL” And insert any other lore-breaking idea here.

Large suggestions hardly get accepted, and I think posters of those kinds of suggestions forget that’s something vetex has to develop :sleeper:. It may not even be worth the development time.

I almost instantly vote for QOL suggestions since those always aim to make the game less clunky. Also concise suggestions that aren’t massive walls of text are great too, keeps our monkey brain attention spans occupied. I mean i’m not one to talk bc i’m very wordy on the forum, but eh. Oh and stats/graphs are cool and all, but in my case they just make my brain melt. I would just leave the numbers out of suggestions because they are always subject to change.

tl;dr: I look for concise suggestions that are small-medium sized with a good amount of effort, are reasonable and don’t break the lore, aren’t blasting me with stats/graphs, overall help the game and is worth the dev time, and I instantly vote for QOL suggestions


they are a benefit
therefore they’re good

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