What do you play for?

New to the forum, don’t have much to say besides this.
I mostly ask people to fight me at Munera (no I’m not that good, incase you’re wondering), and have also been trying to max out jewelcrafting and hope I accidentally fish up Sunken Leggings along the way.

Exploring, killing time. The game was marketed as an exploration game before turning out to be pvp hell lol


I wanna explore too, but all the metamancers ahvfjvndjvuidfng

I play just to have fun, anyways. Make new builds, create new character concepts, it’s all so fun.


i play to experience the story and progress my abilities, neither of which i can do anymore on my main. i have 5 other files but it’s such a snooze fest to slog through time after time



I like exploring and going nuts with my vessel.

It felt good just to explore things I never see

whenever my friends arent around, usually exploring and more shit from boredom. but when my friends are there, pvp hell

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I usually explore and collect random stuff, also trying to perfect both potion brewing and jewelcrafting. But I now sometimes hang around ravenna for pvp. (still trying to learn pvp wew)

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I feel that…it’s mad annoying but I just wanna enjoy the game without getting slapped by some metamancer.


i playing arcane odyssey for everything that it has, except for pvp
my pc barely can handle pvp

i play to kill low level players until they leave my server

I play simply because I can and that I love it despite it’s flaws. (check my profile)

i love sinking ships. I LOVE ship v ship combat. I am absolutely ecstatic to get my hands on a brig

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You can try to make a new build

i also really like the sidequesting in this game
i love it when games do the thing where you finish a side quest and you get something cool and permanent in return like the Sky Pumpkin and Wheat Farm Quests.


I like collecting random things and just doing weird challenges

Exploration. Was trying to do Bronze Sea Explorer, but due to the rarity of THE TREASURE MAPS YOU ACTUALLY WANT, I don’t know if it’s happening.

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literally every skill possible and getting my dream gear (sunken chestplate)

also getting 100% exploration (only the treasure left)

I play mostly for the story. I had a lot of fun on my first time but then I found myself getting more attached to the storyline, lore and characters rather than the actual game.
I hop on every once a week or so but right now I’m focused more on the characters than anything else. I’ll probably start playing frequently again once new story updates release where there will be more things to explore, find, discuss and obsessively ponder about