What do you play for?

Curing my coppershroomitis (308/420 left. I used some of it to go 3700 exp Good Jewelcrafting)

My original endgame was to make my brain rot on fishing for a sunken, but that will wait for now.

Also prepping my clan bank to buy 1 brig and another for a friend

you got room for one more friend? :point_right: :point_left: :kissing_closed_eyes:

I’m broke for a brig ehee

I guess.

As of yesterday I raised enough galleons to get a brig. After doing a sealed chest run, a single cargo trip to redwake, selling all my spare weapons, a few jewels that sucked, some leftover armors and pants, and killing Elius while trying to get a shroud and instead robbing him of pocket change, I can firmly say I raised like 13k galleons with the time I got.

maybe ill get u one and u can sleep in the captains quarters cause WHY NOT

HUUHH HOW? DAMN! That much free time huh…

I was joking too buuuut maybe we could work a deal…if u want doe. Dark sea aint out yet so not a priority

Nahhh I had just a butt ton of spare weapons to sell, and I’m a warlock so I lose nothing by selling the commons.

Cargo running isn’t my thing but sealed chest grinding is much more fun. Plus, gives me jewels.

The only problem I have with sealed chest grinds is that the other scroll chests I get from boats when I sink them never give me a chart for elm island >:c

to get better at the PVP

sigh time to sell me stuff again

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Poor thing.

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I want start farming infamy to upgrade my crew and get a max speed for brig

everything i do is for exploration. right now im trying to increase my bounty so that i can get deckhands to make my ship better, but im doing so through cargo runs and npcs bc i fucking hate pvp.

i would say story, but i cant particularly advance that rn.

Talking with the other players, selling useful items, exploring the map, and overall having fun.

Well i play for the adventure and freedom of the game, after maxing my lvl i try to find things to collect and people to play with. also helping anyone who needs it

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Story and exploration. The lore of this game is god tier, and I appreciate the time and effort that Vetex and Tech put into it. I also love exploring, as there is so much to do in this game.

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Mostly the story/exploring/finding easter eggs/occasional trolling

i play for the magic system, i don’t know of any other game where you can customise your spells to this degree


Mainly playing to try everything in the game, but my first ever thought for this game was “how can I make my ship the best on the sea’s?”
Currently using a ketch with 93 turning, 75 speed, 7460 durability, 87% resilience, like 137 ram defense, and can do 640 damage with one cannon at a decent range


Lately I’ve been trying to 1v1 ppl more so I can stand somewhat of a chance against people hunting my bounty, but I also have a lot of fun making tons of new characters and trying out new builds and magics and stuff. That way, I’m not only more informed about the game’s mechanics, but I develop a preference based on my knowledge of the builds I play.

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I play for the memories (I haven’t touched AO once in my life and won’t for a while)

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