What do you think the game is Lacking rn?

i like the bosses…

Actual PvP content
I think clan island building should remedy this a bit, fighting over islands has lots of potential but gets stale quickly

ghost ships as in actual ones are coming

Better item searching and better gem adding, and I guess more fleshed out content for all the stuff we have

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Bro same i get wet thinking about future darksea content i really hope raid bosses🫠

Vro yessss and alignment update would compliment clan building so well for additional imersion i cant wait to have my own side here arc stopping other players from destroying towns

This would be perfect ngl

pretty much everything. islands, spells, styles, whatever. the game’s gonna be a slow burn for a few more years until it finally takes a noticeable form.

A good community and a good bteam

A search mechanic for items
The cluster is not Industrialized enough (I want my revolvers, I want my ironclads, I want my needle guns, I want my lever action rifles, I want my breach loading cannons and shells, I want a kingdom/nation in it’s industrial revolution)
replayability, I want the dark sea to be more fun and challenging, not a sailing simulator.


Vetex please for the love of god give us literally anything to do that isn’t painful at endgame, I beg of you. Dark Sea exploration is sloooow, bounty hunting is bland, and the quests eventually just get tedious.

Also, I’d like it if the bosses had more interesting gimmicks to them. NOT INVINCIBILITY, SCREW THAT, but like something that made them stand out a bit more from standard NPCs. Marina was a pretty decent way of doing this (despite the fact that people still haven’t figured out that you can just go to the front of the ship to dodge the tentacles), but we need MOAR.

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it’s lacking some QOL. been a bit since i played but nr.1 thing i need is being able to despawn the goddamn boat.

also being able to hide chat and playerlist.


woah buddy hold your horses. QOL in AO???

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Best we can do is another immersion feature that’ll lead to another 3 memory leaks and a week of reasonable complaints

been years vetex… when’s the update?


I LOVE THE DARK SEA it lets me make the stupidest food imaginable :heart_eyes:

i believe we’ll be getting this at some point, which is great because i was super disappointed seeing ghost ships delegated to just random generated dark sea ones

Flower dress

flower dress looks ugly

I second some of the people here and say that both end game PvE and PvP is lacking.

Darkseas is very interesting but as an exploration game not a PvE. Its very bad for PvE since enemies are very samey and very scattered so its not engaging and sometimes it neither is challenging.

Sinking ships is very bland PvE. Hunting bounties in the nimbus sea is sometimes fun but due to figuring out how to beat a lvl 260.

The PvP is a mess becuase of how inconsistent it is. From looking for a random fight but you end server hopping due to no one wanting to fight. Or assassinating someone who was afk and then you feel nothing. to Munera garden which also you have to look for someone to always fight on a boring flat arena.

Its disappointing because the game has potential to do so much with the current fighting system that has an easy to learn hard to master appeal.

I wish there was more PvE endgame content. Anything really in which you fight loads of enemies at once. A wave based defense a massive fortress to raid idk SOMETHING at all.

And the PvP I would love a dedicated arena server or something in which you could have random fights in random islands of the game.