What does everyone think of my build?

Sounds good tbh I might just doo attack speed again lol

Savant my build relies on constant switching between weapons and being fast btw

No wonder ur stats are all over the place if ur stat points are all over the place

Or should I try and do more defence and an extra star with defence, I don’t want drawback sadly lol

Yeah, defense is always good

Brb I’m gonna find a good jewel to use

Also u might wanna focus ur stats into two to three rather than five because it’ll be a lot more significant of a change. Ex: if ur atk speed makes u attack ten percent faster and ur agility makes you move ten percent faster it doesn’t make as big a difference whereas a 20% speed increase would (These numbers are not real at all, they are just examples)

what magic/fighting stye/weapons are you using on savant

what does your equipment look like?

I don’t intend.on.changing these but explosion/ash thermo and dual flintlocks old greataxe and dual swords

ngl but if you wanted to make a hit and run build you shouldve went lightning, wind or light because of high speed affinities + teleporting dodge reflexes. if i were in ur shoes id ditch that idea and instead bring out the strengths of ash and explosion

I’m still using the strengths of ash and expplosion, I also intend to eventually once second awakening is out use my ash magic to be imbued with all my weapons and fighting style so the buff from my next explosion magic gets added to basically every attack i use in other words I plan to eventually abuse petrified and explosion and all the other burn buffs it gives explosion

get all energy regen. sacrifice intensity for power and defense

probably don’t use any intensity until vetex actually drops the change, nothing wrong with saving the gear for later but wearing it is kinda useless right now

Climbing speed is also really weak right now but it might be more useful following the climbing buffs

Oh dam that’s goated

If its ok, do you mind filling me in on everything you own to get this? ive been tryin to get a build similar to this but ive failed. Just like armour and its scrolls plus the gems embedded as well

Sure thing

This is the build I had it has to unfortunately have explosion and ash magic items but it’s also got to have the specific modifiers so I’ve been grinding for awhile to get it lol

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ahh its fine. i already have explosion magic on my 2nd file so ill just get ash on there. Do you think ice and lightning would work with this for my main file?

and ur a warlock as well right