What features need to be added to ensure re-playability in Arcane Odyssey?

I’ll start, Fishing was a major part of replayability in AA, I understand that in the future we will have many sunken sets, however upon release, we will either have Sunken Iron alone, or if we’re lucky, perhaps sunken warrior alongside iron. Regardless, Due to Enchanting being much easier in AO, Fishing for enchants is no longer as necessary and thus, Fishing lacks replayability after a certain amount of hours, not to mention there is a common trend of the Sunken Sets, the rarest and in my opinion coolest armor, always being worse than magic robes, Sunken armors need a buff, and fishing needs more significance, what do you think?


Stuff like diving spots and sealed chests. I can’t remember whether or not those have been added yet off the top of my head.


I mean the dark sea is the best


didnt you like shadow magic or something?

dark sea is essential for replayability is cool but boggles me but it is what it is

No that’s Ezia.

what magic were you before?

oh god please dont make fishing for 500 hours mandatory
the sunken set isnt meant to be objectively better than everything else


I was set to light when I first joined and then I switched to lightning. But we are getting off-topic now.

Sealed chests have been added

The Dark Sea will be the most replayable feature imo due to the “unpredictableness”, loot, and scenarios it brings.

The “unpredictableness” is essentially every normal feature we have but cranked up whether it be insanity, enemies, weather, sea monsters, and hell probably even islands by themselves. Another aspect is the whole “randomly generated island” idea that could bring tons of replayability or only just a bit depending on how much effort vetex puts into it. Finally, imagine just casually sailing back after farming the Dark Sea and a GIANT tsunami starts barreling towards you.

The loot from the Dark Sea will most likely be extremely powerful/useful due to the risk in going there. While I don’t think farming the Dark Sea will be so good to the point that nothing else matters, it should give good enough loot to be worth the time it took to get. Fishing in the Dark Sea might also yield unique rewards in cooking/potions or just for those fishing journal completionists (psychopaths).

Lastly, the scenarios like death magic hurricanes or giant sea monsters. We have nothing to base Apollyon-tier sea monsters off of but if White Eyes is this big, you can imagine the sheer size of an Apollyon-tier one as you try to run or battle it. I’m getting lazy now but just go read the book ideas thing on the trello for other scenarios.

Tldr; pvp will be 90% of AO’s replayability and almost nothing else will matter

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randomly occurring naval boss (or miniboss) battles which can guarantee hefty loot but difficult to fight solo or something; they will be separate from legendary ships, which will have their own boss drops according to the trello

a good pvp system


umm isnt that actually just legendary ships?


but he aint wrong

I’d say a fun pvp system is what it actually needs. deepwoken for instance may have “good” pvp but there are some parts that don’t make it fun pvp

Boobs (Joke)

Bro you’re turning into Sandal.

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  1. Extremely huge selection of gears, weapons, and lost spells/techniques for a healthy trading economy and the potential to make unique and distinct builds

  2. Dark Seas

  3. Bi-weekly small updates that adds new quests/gear/etc

  4. Rotating playlist of casual and competitive PvP playlist(1v1s, 2v2, 4v4s, 10v10 ship wars, capture the flag, zone capture, etc.) Only one option should be available for casual playlist and another option available for competitive(similar to splatoon) and it should switch gamemodes every week. Allowing all gamemodes to be picked spreads out the playerbase and making it weekly keeps things more fresh and dynamic

  5. Dynamic PvE bosses and quests that rotate(probably can be incorporated into the dark seas somehow) that are extremely hard and give very rare loot. Gives people a reason to team up, grind gear and bring people who don’t enjoy PvP back to the game and continue playing after story content as done. Ideally a set of bosses and quests would be made(with varying levels of showing up and difficulty) and bimonthly a new set would be made. Within 6 months into the games cycle you can just bring back some older bosses/quests and add maybe two or three news ones to freshen things up

If Vetex did all of these things this game would have a huge and healthy playerbase for a long time

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