What features need to be added to ensure re-playability in Arcane Odyssey?

no not season passes

imagine more along the lines of like “free DLC” which addons to the story somehow

still my top favorite vetex quote

ahh so season passes but free

(I’m just fucking with you.)

it’s like the only non serious or non verbally abusive thing he’s ever said so I mean it’s probably everyone’s fav

yea and at the end you get this soooooooppeeeerr OP weapon that one shots people

(I guess I am too now)



ok i mean i didnt really wanna be the one to say it but that… is something i have noticed

but this isnt about that and i dont wanna think about it anyway :slightly_smiling_face:

Speaking pragmatically Vetex would probably prefer hardcore grinders playing all day because more $$$ but ideally speaking you could have a daily limit on how much comp matches you could play, for something shorter and more fast paced maybe like 20 and for the longer and slower paced games maybe around 10. I suggest a weekly changed just cos most kids these days have ADHD so they want constant updates, blame fortnite

I agree, I’m just speaking of what would attract more people

What about a pve wave defense


hear me out but make arcane odyssey a dungeon crawler rougelike somehow

like dungeons on islands to explore

(this is very late game though and probably shouldn’t be expanded on until the main story is at least in the halfway or near completion)

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I have an idea for when they add the Dark Seas.

Instead of just making it a part of the ocean, I would like the dark seas to be a minigame/dungeon thing.
How it would work is:
Somewhere in any sea that Vetex chooses, there will be a large circle that is infront of a huge wall, which is supposed to block off the entrance to the dark sea. Anyone standing on the big circle will be teleported to the Dark Sea after 10 seconds, and they will be teleported along with everyone else inside of the Dark Sea teleporter.
If they don’t want to teleport with other people, they can make a party and they will be put in a “private” server. This also works if you want to go with only your party members to the dark sea.

Once inside the dark sea, players will have 25 minutes to gather us much treasure that they can.

After 25 minutes they will be teleported back with whatever they obtained in the Dark Sea. If you die in the dark sea you will lose one life. Dying 3 times clears all your lives and you will go back to the sea you were in.
Players can only visit the dark sea once every 10 minutes.

All of the treasures will be guarded by dangerous monsters and enemies.

I don’t know exactly what would guard it because this hasn’t been revealed, but this is just my idea.

I’d rather it be just an area to grind in that is risky and rewards good loot.

Starscape did it pretty well imo where the wild areas give good loot the deeper you go but the deeper you go the further away from safety you are, so once you get low on hp it is a THRILL to try and avoid danger on the way back (even worse when going to the wilds with a miner you don’t have enough money replace + barely having defenses).

And being teleported after 25 minutes is pretty limiting and boring imo, you would just run around aimlessly to survive instead of having a specific destination you have to think about when traveling (plus there is some lore issues with the idea).

Dungeons like that should definitely be added though, like imagine a tomb that you have to rush through as fast as possible before it collapses and maybe doing certain actions speed it up

my god, perhaps that dungeon idea could have things such as a path with no treasure but it keeps the collapse further away or a path with a good amount of treasure that speeds up the collapse, then they converge n shit. pretty cool idea

add pee function

not funny, didnt laugh

Live thyme warp reaction:

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