What Happened To Thermo?

There goes my Shadow Warlock…
Guess I’ll switch to basic combat.

Common balancing team L. Look at the steady nerfs to defense and power. They have probably amounted to 50% worth of nerfs. I’m tired of having to grind a new armour set or change my playstyle every update because the balancing team is stuck in a perpetual buff/nerf cylce reminiscent of mobile games.

  1. Release new thing
  2. It’s OP
  3. Nerf it and buff other thing
  4. Other thign is OP
    5.Nerf other thing and buff old thing
  5. why are people complaining

Step 6. rinse and repeat

Correction: Warrior is watching from afar
Savant is getting their shins kicked in by the balancing team for doing literally nothing

I mean, ngl thermo seems alright rn just being another version of boxing speed except with no knockback and has a chance to increase in speed as you land more combos ig

It would make sense that the player should be exhausted after doing combos in an increasing amount of speed, otherwise keeping a constant 1.3x speed is just :skull:

Cubed already said this above in replies but thermo is supposed to be a spammy playstyle, you aint supposed to keep 100% heat meter while you’re resting, and yeah as he also said, get more atk speed and agility

everyone in this thread can attest to the heat drain being impossible to maintain with the fact you must unfortunately move to hit people

this doesn’t help. the bar drain is outright abysmal.

speed is the entire gimmick of the class

Yeah speed is the gimmick of the class which is why the base speed is buffed to 1x but you’re supposed to get faster per combo and not maintain that goofy 1.3x speed, it’s literally the reason why heat drain is paused when you’re doing a move :sob:

Ya’ll tend to forget that fighting style route is a combo playstyle and not the goofy holding attacks, video isnt playing anymore but based on what cube said:

This implies you literally arent doing any combos lmao. Again, you aren’t supposed to maintain heat, you’re only supposed to get faster per combo, that’s the gimmick and not hitting m1 mid-fight to maintain heat, play the class right or else it aint for you frfr

the entire point the clip exists is because i did combo…?

streamable link: https://streamable.com/8yuwle

on new thermo this doesn’t give even 30% heat btw, that is the entire kitchen sink thrown

i understand how you play the class, thanks dude. genuine question, have you played 1.12 thermo and 1.14 thermo?

if you want:

then heat gain needs to be 3x what it currently is, or it needs to reward you with 2x heat on a connection. these comments make me think you literally haven’t touched the class

this is because the first part of the video starts with me at full heat, with the extremely low heat drain of 1.12, which I agree is counteractive. however, the current heat drain makes the gimmick useless. it would be nice if people in this thread stopped pretending the style is still viable

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Massively overnerfed because of an ongoing meta that was a result of warlock/warlord.
There was also little to no playtesting done this update whatsoever.
Those changes got in primarily because of the balancing team adding diversity hires.

Most means of dealing damage with thermofist were also nerfed, such as for a while there was an issue with minimum size on fighting styles, specifically shockwave smash.
Setting it 20% on thermofist wasn’t actually a 5x decrease in overall AoE because it reached the minimum size for this ability, so you were gaining more damage for less of a size penalty continually.
This was removed, that was the primary issue with the style. Thermofist without minimum size on berserker was not an issue, the issue was more with warlocks and thermofist warlord.

Did u say that the nerf got in because of diversity hire :skull_and_crossbones:

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That is what non tester balance team members are


least shit balance team moment

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Well uhhh sorry man, the clip in the op isnt playing like fr

But well, I watched the new clip you posted and yeah noticed that you’re only spamming when you’ve locked them down after a rushdown but the moment they’re far from you, you pretty much just let your heat bar go down, definitely on the offense there fr but well I only have 1 clip to base on so idk

1.12 yeah, 1.14 nah, aint no way im hopping back on what’s mostly used as a fs when I dont even like to spam moves and conserve energy

Nah bro, you just have a bad combination of build. Had my experience with a 300+ speed and agility light thermo and uhhhhh, all I gotta say is that you aint gonna escape their spams even with the higher heat drain

All I could get from that is if you’re running thermo, then your best bet is to have the highest atk speed ig to catch up with the heat drain

Considering the damage nerf and speed buff, pretty clear that they dont want ya’ll to keep dealing a ton of damage at high speed

says it all

the day we start testing changes in the flesh and quit speculating is the day we aren’t stuck with useless combat features or ridiculous stat builds for 3 months at a time

Tbf, i’d rather have peeps run iron leg since it’s slow while dealing high damage as a build carried than some goofy thermo with high speed and damage frfr

The nerf is such a W and an L for those who main it

Thermo was supposed to be a blitz fast fighting style that was dangerous if you got close, now the movement got oofed and you can barely maintain heat now.

kinda sucks that even if you play the class the intended way you can’t get any heat to make it useful, and the mages who have never touched a fighting style call you “build carried” and “not playing your build right”

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