What Happened To Thermo?

i tried to pvp with my friend and he kept getting fucking eviscerated because thermo increased his heat which means that my magma power-size mage got a free 20% damage buff :sob:
it did NOT convince him that the game’s pvp isn’t ass, but he still feels the need to get better at it

Fighting styles were garbage on launch because their damage fell behind magic and weapons. The launch meta was Mage by a long-shot. You’re right that Thermo Fist has been meta for a long time now though, but not the entire game.

If those blue-highlighted changes made it in I think it would be fine, but they were put on the backburner.

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The main problem with these clips is youre not using your moves enough to maintain the heat bar, which is what thermo was meant for (spammy fast style that rewards quick inputs and playstyles)

Honestly id just invest in more agility and attack speed, would solve the issue with the heat bar

maintaining heat shouldn’t have to require using moves 100% of the time it makes for terrible pacing in a drawn out fight against competitive players, there has to be a bit more middle ground yes thermo is supposed to be aggresive but having to throw at an atk every second is just wasteful and not strategic at all, i think making the skills give more heat and keeping the energy drain the same would atleast reward landing combos because currently if you don’t land an attack every second, u just go back to zero and you have to deplete all of ur energy to get it back to 100 heat so atleast make landing combos rewarding. and if ur playing passive ur bar would come back down but after u get hot and land a combo it should come back up a decent amount rn it takes a rllly long string of moves to get ur heat maxed.


this is an understandable take, but I’ve got energy to charge like everyone else and cooldowns just like everyone else, unless I throw out moves at nobody in particular to burn my energy to keep heat up (bad design, like M1ing the air for heat)

this is why I think Thermo players being rewarded with extra heat and a longer grace period with moves that connect is good, it rewards them for burst damage, helps them get more damage, and keeps them in the speed lane, instead of the current idea “if you’re not using 3 moves/sec you don’t deserve heat”


deserved ngl, fighting style builds are so booooring

warriors are easily the most boring builds, always the same weapons

good idea make our heat last longer if they connect!!

they take more skill than mage, mage is pretty brain dead i used to main mage and even thoe its meta rn i wont go back ish was hella boring

just like you, i hopped on my light thermo fist warlock in the first time since like 6 months, to learn not only was thermo fist gutted, crash was gutted, and light got hit with nerfs. Wow. gutted my whole build but im not willing to interchange it, maybe i will just change the fighting style on it.

what annoys me the most about thermo fist is mainly the fact that thermo fist doesn’t get stronger over the course of the battle, but gets weaker like sailor fist. I’ve said it many times, but I was always against heating up before battle with thermo, i always thought it was the same as draining a sailor fist’s seawater before battle. Now its impossible to build heat in a battle, as you literally drain more than you build without just standing still and using m1s.\

so yeah i’ve got a build that’ll probably lose to a skilled person with no gear playing literally anything else.


i’ve got a mystery 5 gel if you do wanna reset it, they’re super cheap and a stat reset is basically guarenteed

eh that’s comparing piss and shit. Mage and fighting styles are both braindead, the only skillful class is conjurer ngl

while at the moment, its basically useless, i really liked my light warlock. mainly cos it’s an intensity build made to melt people’s eyes, and i intend on upgrading it with new jewelcrafting equipment and dark sea enchants, so i dont intend on resetting it
at the moment it blinds for around 4 seconds, so i assume i can increase it to maybe 6-7 seconds with new equipment?

nah rushdown is harder to time and land then any of mages moves/more rewarding.

ok that’s 1 move tho. Why click your shitty grab when you can run at the opponent and click shot?

because rushdown is more rewarding and does more dmg.

ok but big 300 damage ravenna sized shot with 2 second cooldown. doesn’t matter if you can combo it if the combo is hard to land and less consistent than monke click shot 10 times and win

u dont make sense shush

why put in effort when you can click shot?