What happens if V1 was in The City? (Project Moon)

The Head might handle it


I mean you just have to say “no”, you cannot distort without your consent

ooh, that’s an interesting weakness

as much power as arbiters have, they’re just puppets on strings at the end of the day it seems…

Yeah but apparently nobody has figured that out since none of the ego users and people who have distorted have ever thought to discuss their experiences

to be fair almost every single one we encounter, we end up killing right afterwards

Binah knows more about ego than almost anyone and yet she has not been able to manifest it, despite experiencing firsthand how much of a difference it makes. Considering that ego was seen as “the thing that would allow people to topple the head easily” maybe that is a weakness of theirs

what a fun weakness

though I guess V1 probably wouldn’t care, not that it matters since V1 is dead lol

in all honesty v1 would probably just fuck around in the backstreets occasionally eviscerating a random civilian

I wonder who the strongest character in the city that v1 could beat is
Probably the indigo elder, that harpoon seems parryable and it’s not like he can attack again quickly if it misses

you’re heavily underestimating color fixers, I imagine (given that he in a moment jumped from his small boat onto that rig) that the indigo elder could just fight like Minos Prime

ok but v1 also beat minos prime

I think the only one I’m considering weak enough in this scenario is the guy who mostly hunts large, slow, but very powerful foes rather than small quick foes who jump around with ranged attacks.
He earned his title by hunting whales. V1 is actually very different from a whale

i don’t think you’re fully getting it

what we see from our gameplay is what V1 does in lore

I’m not entirely sure if v1 actually kills gabriel so fast he cuts himself off mid sentence to start saying something else, while also not being surprised that such a thing is occurring to him

okay so I guess V1 paused the game and suddenly stopped moving as their controller went to get a soda

am I wrong?

yeah v1 actually has za warudo

I mean, with enough power, you could TT-2 the surrounding area with T corp’s help

see the thing I hate about “all gameplay is canon” arguments is that is basically automatically makes the subject almost godlike in most circumstances

capable of letting them do feats that are absolutely not in line to their character

lob corp pulls this exact thing off though

yea i have some gripes with that too but the core difference is PM intentionally designed the story to make sense with the gameplay

in ultrakill you’re probably not meant to eviscerate gabriel so fast they cant finish their dialogue