What In The Actual Sigma Is This Pricing

Saw a lot of people selling their acrimonies 90K-100K or even above that in the discord marketplace and guessed the reason being the “value list” again and sigma was I right…

Another case of greedy people at the top being more greedy and people at the bottom are still eating up their market manipulation because they mostly prey on the clueless and desperate people. The price just keeps going up and up when the supply and demand for them hasn’t change if you compare this month and the previous months. What’s more is that people in that server already hoarded up a ton of acrimonies as liquid asset.

Honestly glad the marketplace in-game exists since I see reasonable prices for the supply and demand it currently has but let’s face it, these greedy bastards will immediately buy them and raise the price when they sell them for profit since these guys have 2.5M+ galleons, but they need those good ol’ liquid assets :money_mouth_face: :moneybag: :dollar: .

As much as I hate to admit it, they basically have the control over majority of the market (Especially discord marketplace) and sadly enough, a lot of people blindedly follow it because they’re too lazy to think of a reasonable price by looking at the supply and demand, since you know it takes time to research some shit in a videogame, so I’d understand why.

What doesn’t help is that majority of these “traders” are children trying to exploit other children because that’s the norm in roblox if you look at other games with trading. One of the reasons why I’m glad the in-game marketplace isn’t like that, just sort the order by ascending and you’ll immediately pass through the goofy overpriced shit. Guaranteed you’re bound to see reasonable prices just by doing so.


arcane odyssey communist revolution when


Most likely never because this is roblox after all :pensive: .

fr, there’s no way a blasted power amulet is worth 100k

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also has the market place opened?

Not yet, Headless is waiting for Vetex to publish the patch regarding the fix for its issues. He predicts it’s probably tomorrow but we aren’t really sure.

For source:

There’s also not a chance that scroll prices and leg scale prices are the same, even after scroll chances were doubled and luck reworked

1,000,000 galleon askew roots:

Sort the order to ascending, dunno why Vetex set it to descending by default when Headless clearly stated in the trello that it would be cheapest to expensive by default.

Also wait for the taxes to be added for listing items, there’s no way these trolls have a ton of galleons so it would be the best countermeasure for them.

This is why the value list shouldn’t be controlled by a small group of people
Everyone should have access to it and be able to edit it
In SMALL increments

fuck that, just remove value lists


That’s also a horrible idea. That’d be like the market place, with people adding and making the randomest items cost millions

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i mean if people know the value list is ass they wont use it

Maybe doing that isn’t the best idea
But like
We need representatives of the different people with different wealth
So it isn’t a fucking monopoly

acrimonies were already consistently being sold for 90k when the valuelist said they were 75k

Thats just straight up cap, the supply this month is def lower than what it was a month ago (pre update) since acrimonies are effectively more than 3x harder to get now with luck 5. As for demand, people sell and buy interchange pots for 45k each consistently but the volume of people buying interchange pots/acris hasnt really changed. Its just that the people who are looking for a reset are willing to pay more than what they used to 2 months ago

Most shop owners/established traders in vetcord dont use the list. The list recently got updated to more or less fit their values but its still outdated in some markets (seasonals and scrolls mostly)

It is, hell its like 150k+ atp since you can easily get a sw piece or two for it

The valuelist is just pretty outdated when it comes to scrolls. Leg scales are pretty accurate at 7.5k each tho, but more accurate would be roughly 6.5k each

Polls are sometimes held in the galleon server where EVERYONE can vote on a certain item’s value, but said polls barely ever represent an accurate price. Giving everyone access to it would just make a completely inaccurate valuelist

This i agree with tho


oh yeah nuclearman do you have plunderers? if you join me rn i can give you a cannon scroll for them

Gonna put this as a separate reply since it doesnt have much to do with the galleonlist but what would you consider a fair price for an acri then? Keep in mind the amount of work you have to do to get one (1/6k droprate from any chest) and the amount of work it takes to get the amount of galleons youd consider a fair price for it. Not to mention that it is a consumable and thus naturally has a less consistent supply. Oh and how much people in the marketplace are willing to pay for it, thats important too cuz trading values arent based on objective facts only

Isn’t that because people only need one reset so they realized they can do half of what the value list says, which a lot of people uses, and slightly increase it?

If the pricing stayed the same, interchange pots would still be consistently sold for around 45K but since people want a profit with the updated list, they’d again do half of the value list and slightly increase it for them. This has been happening long since before luck was reworked and has continued to increase in pricing because of it.

You can see this on the time the luck rework update came out and the value list still being 75K for acrimonies, they were still being sold by around that and 45K for interchange pots, but when the value list updated, people selling them miraculously increased their pricing by around 10K+ :pensive: .

You might also be talking about it being sold for 90K before the value list updated since 2 interchange pots being mostly sold at 45K equals to that, but if you look at the history of the discord marketplace, there’s few who sells the acrimony itself for around 90K and mostly around 75K but different for the interchange pots. Again, the reason for this is what I’ve already said in the second paragraph.

What I could easily predict is that since the value list updated, a lot of the traders would do 55K-65K for interchange pots since people are willing to buy only one interchange for a reset, which again means a price increase for them. This has literally been happening if you look at the history on the time the value list updated and the history of the discord marketplace.

It has always been low from the looks of people selling it. It has always been used as some sort of second currency hence why people are mostly using it as a liquid asset or for trading valuable items and hoarding them instead of using them.

When luck 5 were still op and a lot of people hoarded them, rarely do I see these guys sell a ton of their acrimonies in the marketplace since from the looks of it, it’s being used as a second currency, so it’s not like the supply changed from pre-luck nerf and pre-luck rework since they’re still holding on them while more keeps pumping out.

One of the main reasons from what I see both in the discord marketplace and the value list on why prices keep increasing is because they keep adjusting on these greedy people’s prices since they want to keep making profit, and every time the value list adjusts, their price increases which in turn goes back to the value list to repeat the cycle.

Yeah uhhh, I see a lot of shops selling acrimonies/interchange pots increase their original price by around 10K ever since the value list updated…

Around 55K-65K for acrimonies and 30K-35K for interchange pots. People were alright with this price from the first 3 months of the update it came with and it was a time when people using luck 5 to farm acrimonies still wasn’t a well-known and popular method, because the supply for leg scales are incredibly low for the high amount of usage and people haven’t realized the infinite leg scale method. I can at least agree with this pricing since it’s very rare and consumable compared to now, where people are exaggerating the price when they were alright with the 55K-65K per acrimony at the time supply was at the lowest. Only when the luck aura bug got public did its price slowly increase since the value list keep adjusting to it.

Literally the value list has the control over the marketplace and you could easily see that in the message history of the discord marketplace and the time the value list updates, people’s prices keep increasing by 10K+ for a profit. There’s no way you’re telling me that not a lot of shops doesn’t use the value list :sob: .

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As someone taking an economics course right now, the “value” of an item is only what the majority of consumers are willing to pay for it. So yes, if most players are willing to pay 90k for a Prometheus, it is worth that much. If not, then these suckers better learn so quickly, as someone else may come in and start selling them for less.


Yeah but the thing is, that will immediately turn up to 100K+ as seen with what’s happening in the discord marketplace right now. Once that became normalized, the value list would again adjust to it and the cycle repeats.

People would in turn overprice that normal 100K+ value until the value list adjusts to it, majority of the people follow it then increase the price slightly, then it happens again and again and again. That’s the problem with value lists right now :pensive: . It’s not like those have a limited supply, unless it’s a seasonal which I can agree for the outragous pricing, but for a mostly used list that’s exploited by any player, for it to base on what majority sells it for is just so wrong :sob: .