What is an unreasonable hate you had when you were younger?

For me I always hated the “girls just wanna have fun” song because I still had the “girls drool boys rule” mindset back then :sob:

I hated white fluffy seeds. Basically these big dandelions that would come around every spring and flood the air. I would go out and shoot them down with a water gun and I don’t even know why

Younger me had an unreasonable hate for onions in cooking…

Mushrooms as a food.

I still hate them as a food.

(I like them as a thing though, way cooler than most people give them credit for, I just don’t want em on my plate)

I hate 'em too.


I had to dissect a mushroom earlier this school year, and seeing the inside of one turned me off of ever trying them.

fungi aren’t plants

pvz lied to all of us

actually they aren’t technically animals either lemme fix that

As a “thing” …
Not vague… Not vague at all

I mean they aren’t animals nor plants so the word “thing” is the only option

(fungi doesn’t sound as smooth)

don’t make it weird blud

Spore-producing organisms?

neither does archaeabacteria, plantae, or animalia though.

I used to hate hippies because of some neighbors we had when I was little, this took place in 2015-2016. They had a bunch of kids (around 10 or so and they kept adopting more of them).

All of them would literally eat dirt, worms (Literally anything they could find), had no hygiene, and were annoying as hell. They also ran a church in their home and invited me and my sister to join; I declined but my sister decided to go. She told us that they had her drinking alcohol as well as other weird activities like naked hide and seek? (I thought it was some kind of pedophile cult but that’s just me)

One time they came over to our house and their oldest son (Like 7 or 8 at that time) wanted to play on my computer, I didn’t want him on it so I suggested that he play on my Sega Genesis instead and he threw a complete tantrum. My mom was on my side but we decided to let him on the computer to shut him up. He was ironically playing Arcane Adventures, but he was also playing weird nsfw Roblox games?

Hours later the mom came to our house to bring him home, saw what he was playing and decided to scream at me for some reason? That brat was crying too even though I was the one getting yelled at (Family was out buying Chick-fil-a, I had to stay home obviously). Afterwards she tried to steal the entire PC??? but tripped over cords while holding the entire Case and Monitor at the same time and broke it.

So she and her gooner son decided to camp out at our house to wait for my family members to get home, meanwhile she was trash talking a 10 year old girl (not technically a girl but I tried to play the part) whom almost got her PC stolen by a 20 something year old wench. She lied and snitched on me to my family members, for the most part they knew she was a liar but my aunt didn’t.

(My aunt got the whip, beat me for like 10 minutes and locked me in the bathroom. This was possible because the bathroom locks were on the outside meaning you had no privacy and someone could lock you in from the outside). I got my revenge on my aunt and her son in the future but that’s a story for another day. She also justified it by saying weird religion stuff about the concept of hell and premarital intercourse?

Their dad was also annoying because I had a friend who would come to our house semi-frequently and he had to pass through the woods to get there. The Father thought he owned the entire forest and tried to deter him by cutting several trees down to block him off from getting to our house. One time he called me saying that a tree was blocking our house, so me and another friend tried to help him move it without injuring ourselves. The Father came into the woods at that time and he was scarily holding a hunting rifle, he told us that he was apparently waiting for us because he knew one of us would be there and decided to shoot his gun in the air. He started yapping about how it’s his property and that we’re dangers to his family etc etc. I’m sure he was just racist because 2 of us were minorities.

that’s just a fragment of the hate I hold for these people lol

What in the fuck

Yeah Florida is a pretty crazy place. There are always crazy people you need to watch out for.

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Dude… I’ve never read something so crazy before…

I personally haven’t met such troublesome people but just reading it made me hate them

What the fricking hell

So your aunt did that to you even though you did nothing?

Wait nvm yeah I understand now RIP

the sound of a person scratching one of those 3d picture things

…What in the everliving fuck? I feel like I read some reddit post on entitled people, or something. You could post that there and it’d fit right in.

of course it’s florida

haircuts and showers

just autist traits ig

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