What is an unreasonable hate you had when you were younger?

Why showers :sob:

lowkey I bullied the hell out of this kid who shared the same birthday as me when I was younger for no reason and I feel terrible about it now

I also used to despise my little cousin until one day I beat him so hard that I started to let my muscles atrophy lest I hurt someone again lmao

Holy fucking shit man
I’m just baffled

And I think that’s a reasonable reason to hate them after what they did.

and what happened to them?

We moved after that, so I dunno. Then after that they moved too so I have no idea what weird cult-like activities they’ve been up to (won’t be surprised if something comes up in the news).

I’m just baffled after reading this story, no way in hell this happened, it’s like a fever dream or an acid trip that you vaguely remember but no, it’s actually real.

And of course it’s Florida.

idfk i think i was some sort of hydrophobe or smthn, I’m better w/ the hygiene now


i fucking hate mushrooms. Who the fuck wants a fungi on their pizza bruh like what :sob:

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anti-depressants :smile: :smile: :smile:

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Nah I’m avoiding you istg I might say something controversial and you’ll punch me through the screen.

(by the way I hope whoever you punched was alright now. I hope ya didn’t punch him in the face.)

That tends to happen with conspiracy theory Religion types. My step grandfather was a heavy believer in Y2K so he bought a bunch of guns and supplies, a scary amount of my family members also believe in some weird Extraterrestrial stuff that I refuse to understand. They had a supposed religious book called “The Coming of Tan,” which they told me I’d go to hell for touching. The years go by and I recently decided to research more about the book, I was surprised to find out that it was filled with child-like drawings of aliens. The author of the book (Riley Martin) could apparently talk to aliens or something???


Episodic TV shows.

I hated when the universe would explode and next episode they were singing about pizza.



Anime and manga.

Idk I used to get absolutely triggered laying my eyes on any anime or manga, regardless what type, style or genre it is. Perhaps its the girls acting very unnaturally (I think I despised anything not natural or normal. Hated romance the most)

I’ve softned up a bit but tbh I somehow still feel uncomfortable and cringe at anime. Manga is tolerable though.

(On a serious note, this resentment of anime and manga somehow lead to a VERY unhealthy loathing towards Japan. Again, I’m better now. I was still a stoopid pre-teen/child back then)

(The discovery of Japanese war crimes at such a young age really didn’t help the ridiculous hatred of Japan I had.)

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I still hate them, but showers. With showers, I feel like it’s raining spikes, while water and eventually soap pours down right into my eyeholes. With baths none of that’s an issue, and I don’t have to grab comically long sticks if I accidentally make it too hot to step in.

lol imagine not knowing the righht way on how to shower

i love Japan because they are so good at art

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I hated the word germs. It sparked this irrational fear and hatred within me, that if I were to tell any of the other children about it they’d look at me we weird and slowly back away.

It all started when I went to preschool. They had this huge alphabetical practice rope that ran all the way around the top of the walls, so whenever you entered the preschool and look up, the first letter you’ll see is “A”. At first, I actually found it fun to just walk around and find different letters of the alphabet- and it wasn’t because I was excited to see the letters, no, it was because I was excited to see the PICTURES going along with those letters.

Instead of “A for apple”, it was “A for ant”. This small difference changed everything. Each letter was a surprise. B for boat. C for cow. E for eel.
It was new, it was great, it was amazing. At least, until I walked into the play area, looked up, and was met with the foul grimacing expression of what could only be described as a godless monstrosity. A mistake, something that nobody, especially a small four year old child should ever lay eyes upon.

G. G for germ. Pictured by a grotesque green blob with black beady eyes, staring back at me as if I would be eaten the second I averted my gaze. I felt all four years of my life flash before my eyes when I saw it. It horrified me- it TERRORIZED me. I had nightmares every day after I saw that image. Whenever it was time to play, I would hide in the bathroom until playtime was over. Just being in the same building as the thing made me paranoid, and I wasn’t about to go into it’s room and just make things worse.

It got so bad that even hearing the word “germ” made my skin crawl. I remember when I was six- way after leaving the preschool, they brought this special guest to the kindergarten. She was supposed to be teaching us how important brushing your teeth is, and I very clearly remember screaming “STOP!” when she was about to talk about how germs can cause dental infections.

Then I became seven years old and I had no time to be afraid of the word germs. I was too busy checking my closets for “Momo”.


Welcome to Florida. We’ve got wildlife yoinkers, racists, and beach hippies. Pick your poison.