What is an unreasonable hate you had when you were younger?


i know, its bad

now i hate everyone equally

scary ted talk


When i was 8 or so i genuinely despised swear words with my entire fucking being

I was like this too

should of popped soi fon bankai

bruh the “momo” one affected me for 5+ years

what is this implying here

bro hated turtlenecks simple

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bruh why did this image give me a mini heart attack :skull:
Do I hate turtlenecks that much

Cant say or I will get 12 points and perma ip ban

your family (and the people you lived around) are absolutely fucked in the head.
how in the hell did you grow to be an (apparently) sane person through all this???

tbf it was only my neighbors, aunt, cousin, and various old people in my family who are really insane. I only did well to spite them and move out as fast as possible. I am also a Satanist so I may or may not be sane either.

nevermind, not sane.
(why would you even worship that there’s no possible good outcome???)

As for something I hated alot for a good long white: The sound of my own name.

I couldn’t make a SINGLE noise without hearing it and needing to do like 50 things within arm’s reach of the person asking (telling but “polite”, no is not an option).

Like I go to get a glass of water, the floor creaks slightly, “HEY!” 100% of the time even if the last time was just like 5 minutes ago.

surprisingly relatable, which is why I’m planning on changing mine

I had a deep and almost primal beef with any ice cream that wasn’t pistachio or black raspberry until I was about 12. I don’t know why I hated those other flavors, I just did.

Now I scarf down lemon and chocolate swirl. (Don’t judge me.)

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I’ve also considered changing my name lol

Though, on the plus side, because of this I’ve somehow gained the talent to walk directly infront of people without them seeing or hearing me.
I’ve also been frequently asked if I can teleport, turn invisible and/or manipulate time completely unironically by people my age and older.

don’t know how that happens but it does now!