What is the current best build for pvp

I only have a casting amulet. Against another player I haven’t tried but the Exiled and mino I can handle easily with it. Plus casting speed allows you to get away quicker after you cast.
I believe the full build is a hard defense amulet, powerful power amulet, powerful mino chest, nimble mino legs, and nimble casting amulet

actually, I could see that being useful
so it goes casting amulet, power amulet, defense amulet, wizard set no hat?

You could do that. I’m doing a more agility/strength/power hybrid.

i dont even want to know how thats going to work

do you have HP


what items do you use
how much damage?

sorry if im asking too many questions

max size blast does about 120 damage. I am using lightning magic.

and that actually works? dang

i have to admit thats actually impressive

It does. also I get places much faster.

if it isnt too much, i’d like to see it in PVP or being used against a boss?

Don’t have a video sadly. Maybe you could join me later?

its a weekday, i could ask my mom but idk what she’ll say
plus, I’ll have to join on my walmart computer which averages 300 ping on WOM

5 fps-15 fps

so ill be kind of slow
FPS seems to affect how fast I run

mmmm. I guess I can try to record a video. No promises.

ok, thanks
ill probably be able to play reliably at like 3:00 or so

I’m at school till 3:00 pm