What made you choose your character's design?

this character is the closest i could get to my archenhailor avatar:

A random game idea i had in a dream. il share it in another topic

also ngl, idk how I managed to choose traits with colors relevant to both of my main files’ magics lol

Abigail has blue eyes and uses Sapphire Crystal Magic, and Aisha is a Magma Magic-wielding redhead

There is nothing more perfect than this.


that is amazing lol

1st File is the original, made way back in the phase of WoM. It was based on my AA character, so I guess you could say that it goes back further. My design is pretty simple; a teal undershirt jacket (Representing their first magic. I swapped with a lighter shade of blue because it’s easier on the eyes) and black (It’s a neutral; it looks good with every other color). I’ve also added Elius’s cape to make it look like the file is properly wearing a coat. I’ll probably add some yellow and purple to the outfit as more accessories are added in the future (to represent the other lightning variants)

2nd file is a Berserker build, so I tried to make it look as though they were recently a disciple at a dojo using a gray ravenna apostle’s gi (or something like that). I may change the fit in a moment.

3rd file is a Mage that’s…still in the works. I’m not sure about what I want to theme them after.

4th file is a Warrior that’s supposed to be an exiled samurai. I gave him a cultist’s shirt to sort of give the feeling that they’ve been traveling for a while now. I also gave him a purple coat and samurai’s leggings, along with a mantello and ravenna apostle’s pauldrons to sort of try to go for a sun and moon theme.

5th file will not be created until Vetex starts giving vitality builds (specifically warden) some much needed love.

Unsure about what to do for the 6th file.

the definition of perfection

Yeah pretty much what I did for mine all I remember was in wom I had a valk helm and wanted to use it

inspired by

(from old project)

hodge podge of inspirations really, not really one or two.

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I always just go spur of the moment, whatever I feel works best with the character. Though I don’t put that much thought into it sometimes. I think harder about my stat build, what items I need to reach that, how much I suck with that build, etc.


The OC (From 2019)

Being Veronica Gates character design was really only a short-sleeved jacket and pants. However still got that red-hair but no colored eyes. The short jacket being woms and pants beingwoms

When AR came out I looked for clothing ideas the game has and lead me a merchants jacket and I believe it was like hunting boots IDK.

And then AO
I improved the OC’s design and decided to give the characters weapons, making it no longer a flare mage but a flare conjurer.

I tried testing out the skirt in WoM, I feel like the character itself straight up de-graded wearing it so when the new drip came out. The character has now been finalized.

Now it’s this:

(Double cape btw being shrouded and normal cape as those combined make the cape look better)

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Idle poses with equipment and stuff cause why not lol

Abigail with her crystal imbued stuff (lol the Crystal Magic imbuement doesn’t look right on warhammers, looks nice with the staff and katana though)


Aisha with her Magma Iron Leg

I came back late, but…
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enjoy~ classic maid
(yes im shadow mage)

I was feeling silly

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changed Abigail’s vanity slightly and swapped the fancy pants for hunting boots cause I got them as a random NPC drop lol

The way I envisioned Aaron didn’t really match any of the cosmetics in game so I usually just go for whatever blue/black that looks okay enough

Toshiko hasn’t entered her thief Miku arc yet and I’ve been associating her with the song Seraphim on the Ring lately so I just put her in Carina’s gi

George isn’t historically accurate, he’s more or less based on my version of him from a scrapped project of mine and rn he’s in gravy uniform

when I was making Aisha’s default appearance I would’ve 100% chosen to give her naturally red eyes if it was an option (she ended up getting brown eyes instead), also she originally had an eye scar but I changed it bc I didn’t entirely like the look of it on her

She also originally had a black gi top to give her a more classic martial artist-y look, but then I eventually got the seafarer’s coat and warrior boots and just said “why not” lol

Meanwhile I had no idea what I was going to do with Abigail until I decided to finally use the merchant’s coat as a vanity item, then I eventually ended up managing to find a skirt at Frostmill before getting hunting boots from some random NPC I bounty hunted

yeah ik I’m kinda necroposting but here’s two new maxed files:

  1. Aura Moonsilver, my Glass/Sand Mage (vanity: white under-shirt jacket, blue skirt, archer boots, black canvas hat, and white head goggles)

  2. Amber Winchester, my Acid/Thermo Fist Warlock (vanity: purple undershirt jacket, magenta dark leather boots, black headband, & default Ravenna Apostle Bracelets)

like with Abigail and Aisha I wanted to keep these two’s designs fairly simple and these are what ended up coming out of that lol

I kinda had themes for these two, Aura’s was supposed to be somewhat preppy at first and then I added the goggles to her vanity after I got them cause I suddenly and randomly thought “oh hey these look like they have a steampunk vibe”, and for Amber I aimed to give her a mainly red/purple color scheme to match her magic and fighting style

whatever my current interest is

currently, its halloween

I have now completed my vanity set on another file lol

  • Zoey Yagami, my Plasma/Fire Paladin (vanity: red loose scarf, black martial artist gi, black skirt, black Ravenna Noble Boots, & dual crimson armbands)