What made you choose your character's design?

The Great Wall of Text

My first file Raus, or Jack Frost is inspired off of exactly what you think. I finished his design after watching Death from puss and boots on the big screen; I love intimidating characters in fiction. After that, I continued to develop the side of him that is directly symbolic to winter, and I think I did a good job. I plan on using him in my writing sooner rather than later. My second file, Alicia, wasn’t particularly inspired in terms of their name. However, with their personality, it’s a direct rip from Susie from Deltarune. Admittedly, she is far more psychopathic, and Susie did not, in fact, decapitate people with her bare hands. My third file, Lynn, wasn’t particularly inspired by anything, I don’t believe, and he’s been through unbelievable amounts of design changes. His name is based of that of my uncle but other than that, I got nothin’. Stanley Goldhill originated from one of my alter egos while playing Jailbreak, and thus he is dubbed Explosive Barrel man. Now, admittedly, he may have a bit of Iroh from Avatar in him, and I view him as much less chaotic than his original counterpart, but still quite so. Similarly, Toph’s personality in Legend of Korra inspired the personality (And in part, appearance) of Victoria, who is currently not one of files. Also not one of my files is Fang Percy, who was my original first file from World of Magic. He was a direct inspiration rip from Fang from Maximum Ride, and in his original incarnation he wasn’t a Harpy, but now that he is he’s even more similar. Their personalities are directly contrasting though. Jeremiah Sinali was only one of my files for a bit, and he is now too complex in lore to be a file and is no longer human, similar to the situation with Fang. He was originally just based off of myself, but even before then he has been changed so much that the resemblance is not recognizable in the slightest. For Lukas, I have basically nothing, except her name is (I think) drawn from Lukas from Minecraft Storymode, even though they are not similar at all; her character is incredibly extreme and I think it derived more from my own edginess than anything. She practically existed to suffer. I also had a Bob Ross cosplay as a file for a while, which is self explanatory. Lastly, for less than 3 days, I made Violet from Rope, a novel im working on rn. Her name and her affiliation with the Reaper Curse, an aspect of that worldbuilding, had been an idea a year before I started working on it. However, her design and some of her personality was ultimately inspired by a character named Scarlet from a similarly themed webtoon, it’s a pretty funny coincidence. This ultimately drove me to start writing it in the first place instead of starting with Project 47, which generally had less opportunity.

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whenever the second extra files gamepass gets added, I’m going to have 3 more files to make designs for once I buy it lol

the ideas I have for what will be my 7th, 8th, and 9th files:

  • Wind/Ice Mage
  • Poison Magic/Cannon Fist Warlock
  • Ash/Explosion Paladin(?)

Just get an alt in the meantime

he wears two scarfs and long sleeved shirts before he gets into fights to keep his heat meter up :explosion_magic:

I have now maxed my sixth file and set her vanity in stone lol

This is Elvira Rivers, my Lightning Conjurer (vanity: iron armor, cerulean skirt, & drowned warrior’s boots)

The files on my main account are from WOM,. In WOM i just chose whatever I had in my inventory and hoped it work. the asthetics they have kinda migrated over from back then.

Mei’s pirate hat became her entire motif for AO
Caroline was a bandit in WOM, tho she changed a lot in terms of design, I still wanted that criminal theme to her.
Vincent was a knight with full iron armor, though I toned it down since I found some cool stuff in my inventory to try out for him.

My alt account files just kinda happen. I looked in my inventory to see what I had to work with.
That’s the reason my paladin file, Dragomir looks like he walked out of the circus. Because he has nothing good/unique in his inventory

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Also, sometimes I like to try and make them thematic.

Like this engineer outfit for Corrina!


…Okay, I usually just go with whatever I like at the moment.

One thing that’s always remained constant with Vega is that he always wears a backpack or bag of sorts on his back. I want to give off an adventurer vibe using his outfits.

siren fit + cataclysm bracelet

Random things about the processes I had with making my files’ vanities:

Abigail: I was originally intending to give her a blue/cobalt merchant’s coat to give her an overall blue color scheme, but ended up using the green one I had instead because trying to find a dyer prior to the one at Rubica being added was a pain

Aisha: Originally wanted to make her look more martial artist-y and had originally put her in a black gi, but eventually got the blue seafarer’s coat and said “why not” so she ended up getting a simple pirate/sailor-themed appearance

Aura: I was originally trying to make her look kinda preppy for some reason, her appearance started off with the white undershirt jacket and blue skirt before I eventually bought the black canvas hat and got the white head goggles

Amber: Like Aisha she was also originally supposed to look more martial artist-y, but then I got the undershirt jacket and dark leather boots and stuck with them, and later I ended up getting the Ravenna Apostle Bracelets from my first successful attempt at fighting Carina on Amber’s file and started using them

Zoey: My entire beginner idea for her was basically “skirted gi/sleeveless kimono with a scarf,” I was originally going to give her the Ravenna Apostle Leggings but trying to grind Lady Carina got tiring fast so I ended up going to grind Lord Elius for the Ravenna Noble Boots instead and ended up getting the dual armbands and dying them crimson some time later

Elvira: My sole thoughts were “lady knight” and “blue colors” lol

welp, finally went through with making Abigail look like how she was originally intended to, now she has her fully blue color scheme lol

For Mikhail, he’s just using a bootleg Commodore outfit. He’s a gentleman so he wears a luxurious suit and a musketeer hat because he loves musketeer hats. He wears a blue scheme and has a Kai Sabre.

Phrixus is the opposite. He wears a warrior jacket for better flexibility and movement, and wears a mask because of his lore. He also wears a muskteer hat as a parallel to Mikhail.
He wears black cuz he evil.

Aurora wears robes cuz she’s a mage. Duh. She mains agility so her robes are more lose.

Kaira mains a hot fs so she wears loose robes and doesn’t even bother wearing proper pants. She’s messy and reckless and barbaric so she just wears random clothes.

Galahad is just a typical knight. In the early stages he wears iron armour, then steel, then dark bronze.

Vilmar is insane, hence the Atlantean outfit. The mask is a corrupted artifact that enhances his abilities, and since he is an acid conjurer the murky greenish-purple asthetic looks good on him

Alycia is a goober so i tried to make her cute unfortunately i couldn’t find a fitting outfit. She wears a skirt because she likes skating and dancing. She wears a jacket cuz she comes from cold places, and as a light blue asthetic cuz she ice

Valerie is just wearing a casual girly outit.

Character update #2 - Amber Winchester

honestly this just happened spontaneously

Vanity changes:

  • Black headband → Black sailor’s headband
  • Purple undershirt jacket → Purple sailor’s jacket
  • Magenta dark leather boots → Merchant’s pants
  • The Ravenna Apostle Bracelets were the only thing that didn’t change lol

bro predicted the future

Vetex already said something about it some time ago but he changed his plans for how it’d work lol


personal OCs have like textbooks worth of design lore but most of my AO ocs are just “okay this looks cool I’m gonna wear it yippee”

only exception to this is maddox, since he started off as a poison conjurer without much thought put into him and eventually he wriggled his way into existing as a complete character in my own worldbuilding.

Magna Burns

  • He’s whitewashed Trigno

Blair Azure

  • Future Shadowflame/Inferno mage
  • what my AA file looked like (i was an edgy kid)

Rachel Stillwater

  • Soon to be Acid/Sailor warlock
  • She’s May from Guilty Gear but with main color being green instead of orange
  • i had an epiphany and forgot what first inspired me to design her

wouldn’t these both be ancient magics though