What makes wood so bad?

What really makes wood that bad I have just started using wood conjurer in pvp trying to adapt to it and overall sure its incredibly slow having to have at minimum 200 attack speed to become fast enough to catch up to most builds in today’s meta. Having insanely fast speeds.
So Ima make a poll about it:
What makes Wood such a bad magic?

  • Slow speed
  • Low damage
  • Clash rates
  • Outclassed
  • Other (discuss bellow)
0 voters

wood goated

Idk what language you are speaking but all I see is straight flames and fax

It’s bad for the same reason Ice Conjurer is garbage right now; damage (net loss, at least Wood keeps DoT) and size may be decent, but there’s no useful synergies and speed is too low in the world of Dodge Reflexes, no startup-city & bring over 70 Agility or DIE.

“what makes wood so bad”

hmm gee I dunno… I wonder why a magic with good size, massive synergy potential, high damage, decent speed, and reliable consistent bleed is so trash???

everyone else here that’s whining about wood being too slow or whatever and that you need to run attack speed, honey, that applies to literally every magic except light in this game.

(also 0.8x speed isn’t even that slow lmfao just use the slash shapes if you really think it’s not fast enough, worst case, beam spam)

actually, even light needs to run agility and attack speed to really bring out it’s potential but that’s besides the point.

I’d argue that wood is kind of a case by case basis though because while wood conjurer is honestly kinda objectively bad, wood mage is one of the most potent builds I’ve ever had the delight of using.

It is, it’s one of the slowest
Don’t even try to claim wood isn’t that slow

Did a wood user kill your family

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whenever I use it I almost never notice how slow it is but whatever ig

it’s definitely not a weak magic though

I’d argue the worst would be ash since at least wood can hurt things

Matey I am the wood user

I didn’t say it’s weak it’s just objectively slow

eh, to each their own.

(seriously though just use the slash shapes it makes life so much better)

I dislike wood magic, for no reason other than the fact that if I didn’t dislike wood I’d have no magic to dislike


horizontal slash is literally nearly as good as pre-nerf fist, idk why barely anyone uses it

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wood is pretty good, especially if you use a a heat based magic with it. wood gets a buff from the heat status, and the heat based magic gets a buff from bleed. It’s good in both ways .
it’s also pretty decent with thermo, but it’s a bit more difficult to keep your heat bar up if you imbue it

but I don’t really like how it looks, so I don’t use it as often

hater mindset

wood and crystal new designs are downgrades imo

WoM wood was literally like cubes tbh I think it looks a lot nicer now

I’m like the only person who appreciates wood’s visuals lol

I agree with you on the crystal part
the pillar and shockwave explosion just looks bad now
I don’t really mind the other spell visuals tho.

but I do think wood looks at least a bit better than in WoM

it looks way too smooth and shiny to me

then again, i like geometric shapes so maybe its just a bias from me

yea I kinda miss wood’s old texture