What planned Dark Sea addition are you most excited for?

I’m not gonna lie I think the dark sky sounds the most interesting. Being able to have sky islands in the dark sea and have a sky ship TETHERED to your ship, hell yea

But also the unique Atlantean attacks like biting off your arm or EATING YOUR HEAD sound so cool. What about you ya’ll?

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soaking in the blood of a slain dragon sounds pretty dope ngl


dragons and satyrs ( i love permanent sidequest buffs)

also this

getting tiny

dragons :laughing:

The Siren Crew and quest sounds pretty fun. I wonder how useful Sirens will be as a crew; since they’re all regular Sirens found pre-Far Reaches, they might be mid to late game crewmates?

satyrs for more agility, dark abyss sounds cool as fuck, I love the idea of the epicentre being fucking australia, and finally:


I WANT this at the end of nimbus sea. This is just way too cool.

I honestly kinda hope that unlike the dark sea where it progressively gets worse and fuckin worse as you go far out, the dark sky begins getting worse, but eventually starts to clear more and more (since yknow you’re going out towards space where atmosphere gets thinner and thinner, so too would magic pollution)


definitely dragons and being able to get permanent stat boosts from them, i can maximise even more

Hear me out, maxed size ileg warlord with a dense enchanted lion’s halberd

I see now, THIS is the reason vetex is adding gliders and volcanic vents as a gameplay feature.

Well they are a crew found in the dark sea, so I assume their buffs would be oriented around reducing environment damage taken

Honestly it’d be extremely funny to get the siren crew and then an update drop that lets crew/deckhands fight for us.

well it’s also to let us get to skyhall and also because gliders are awesome anyways

The Goliath sounds absolutely horrifying, definitely an extremely strong force to be reckoned with

Also Atlanteans biting your head off is so brutal definitely family friendly

I just love having bosses that are fought on ships with cannons man

Boy oh boy i hope we get legendary ship battles inside of the Dark Sea too, Vetex is actually cooking up a storm right now

what I mean is that it seemed like alot of effort to put into getting to one place.

I wish we got something like a Kraken that is only fightable with ships

Goliath sounds like exactly this.

You think we’re fighting something so big walks on the sea floor and its torso towers above the sea with tiny ass spells?

It sounds big enough to get blasted to pieces by heavy explosive cannon fire.

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Goliath Vs. A crew of minmaxed warlords, who’s winning?