It’s been a good week or so since AO has released, and I have a question for all forumers. What QoL (Quality of Life) features would you like to see in AO
Now before you comment lets get the obvious ones out of the way
Customizable key binds
Some people prefer to use a part of the keyboard others don’t I can’t really see how it would be too difficult to implement this, plus it benefits basically everyone
Cancel Active Quests
You pick up a quest and it turns out it is too much for you and you’re capped at 6 quests, seems fair enough to be able to stop a questline. I could see some issues with this like exploiting quests that have multiple parts in them for EXP, and to this I say this should only be applicable to the start of a quest
Undock Boat
Whether it just be losing your boat in general or being paranoid of players/NPCs destroying your docked boat, I feel like this feature would be very nice, especially so that you don’t have to reset or anything. I’m kind of torn on this because on one hand, You don’t have to spend forever looking for your boat if you loose it, but on the other hand, you can just undock a boat and never fear it getting destroyed while docked (which i guess can be seen as a good thing by some)
Placeable Location Markers
Reduce Fog during Night
I wholeheartedly agree with this one. I feel like Night should reduce your vision or else there would really be no purpose for lanterns or anything, and also ocean exploration would feel somewhat one-dimensional. Also anyone fighting a pirate ship during night can relate to the pain of fighting a ship in the night and they suddenly disappear into the fog, never to be seen again
So now that those are out of the way, what QoL do you think would benefit AO?
former forum user made this doc of stuff they find relatively importnat
personally what i wanna see is the ability to bind base 2.0 avatar shirts as base clothing (change option at tailor) so you can combine it with other armors w/ the remove torso feature
also the ability to remove ravenna disguises, looks terrible ngl
region changer pls
we know you don’t want to add the server list so people can’t grind freely but then there are ping rises on certain server types and everything it gets really irritating when for some reason the game wants you to play on bad server types specifically
a region changer is the least that can be done without ruining the mmorpg aspect
maybe split casting styles to have the magic circles and animations separately (ex. being able to use the triple magic circles from right hand swipe on different casting styles like two hands or something)
Some form of indicator whenever you dig to tell how close you are to a treasure location.
Lets be entirely honest, the charts aren’t always very accurate when they tell you to go somewhere.
i agree 200% with this, sometimes it just tells you incorrectly or very confusing, like in shell island it told me in “High cliff” and it was almost at sea level
Also PLEASE I BEG fix the damn boat climbing, its the most annoying shit ever, like you can only climb in certain areas of your boat, and its not just that also when you climb you sometimes get stuck and in a pirate fight this is so annoying died like 3 times bc of this
A small revamp to the spawn systems. I don’t understand why you get charged for setting camp it makes no sense lmao. Why am I being taxed for camping, who is taking my money, the IRS?, the camping gods? It’d make way more sense if camping equipment were consumables that you could buy at certain stores that there’s still a cost but it makes actual sense. Also make inns or taverns at towns that you pay to set your spawn. Unless this is already a thing and i’m dumb but I don’t get why It isn’t there’s already an ACTUAL hotel/inn on Sailor’s Lodge and Redwake
there should definitely be a shop somewhere accessible to both regular players and criminals, that sells exotic food ingredients.
Not exotic as in the rarity, exotic as in you won’t find them near this location.
IE: The sky foods, spices, herbs, island exclusives like prickly pears, those sorts of things.
also fix the boat displayment in shipyard, because sail textures don’t desplay correctly and i need to redock my ship everytime i want to see my new sails