What random and useless skills do you have

when i can’t even take a pill with water-

oh yeah, and i create intensely elaborate and well-developed worlds with extremely extensive lore and mythos but because i don’t like writing i never do anything with it beyond make trellos

wait now that liu brought up world building

I can make some quick original characters in a batch. (quality wise still questionable, but someone like JTN has witnessed me creating 20+ ocs in the same day)




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wide a$$ vision that do nearly nothing other than when driving
be able to hate someone no matter how good they are :nod:
fck something up no matter how good it is
yada yada

Both dying and liking bordem

i haven’t audibly burped in literal years so imma just go with that

The ability to figure shit out way faster than other people most of the time, but it barely helps me in school subjects.

I can draw good flowers

I can sleep 8 hours a day

Same for me, but I don’t even make trellos, or note them down somewhere. I just keep them in my head and MAY, use them if I ever play with Legos or Playmobils.

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fidget spinner trickshots image

oh I can’t forget about this thing


it looks nice actually

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i can make loud screeching noises that shouldn’t even be possible for the human voicebox

same also

being able to find comfort in any place and position
i could probably find confort on a bed of nails

ability to trigger an “overdrive mode” where I perceive everything else at super slow motion, it also happens randomly

last time it happened I was playing basketball and I was passed the ball, and I don’t remember turning around but I did and the ball was coming to me and everyone looked frozen and I grabbed the ball and the effect turned off

I was so disoriented that I just stood there for a good few seconds trying to figure out whatever the hell happened

if u could trigger it at will then you can have literal superpowers


it also happened like a few months ago when my baby sister was just chilling on my back and she slipped off but the slow time thing happened and I grabbed her and it turned off again

it’s hella weird

oh i fucking remember making so much bracelets