What random and useless skills do you have

master it brother, become the chosen one and fufil the prophecy, only you could save us

the ability to miss a non-moving mino ( or any moving thing… or even non-moving ) 3 times in a row even tho he is literally right next to me

having too much deja vu(s ?) for some reason

horny and edgy for 24/7

day dream and blanking out, too much

you know Kaneki and his finger cracking ? yeah ( im an edgelord what do you expect ? ), would not recommend, can be painful if done too much and/or incorrectly, also make your finger(s) and slowly your entire arm hurt every now and then )

same as above but with toes ( more painful and cant be done repeatively )

some other weird stuffs i develop cause yes

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I can have occasional dreams that show me some random BS that happens to me in the future, like a very specific shirt that I will wear for the very specific event coming up, which I also get to see apparently

yes this is legitimate

I will try my best

I somewhat have this shit. Sometimes when I dream I have this thing where a random ass thing happens in the future, and then what do you know, it happens. It’s kinda annoying


i can make some unique/weird names in a shot amount of time (seconds)

also i can run up my house stairs in like 5 seconds (could be lifesaving if “manipulated” enough like when im getting chased by someone in an upwards direction)

do it

mfw when I’m seeing people have time stopping powers and future sight when I was gonna say is I can knit scarfs and make a pillow. :fr:

doesn’t kaneki just take his thumb, put it on the finger joint and crack? cuz that doesn’t hurt like at all

you have summed me up in 2 sentences



(made this in 1 minute)


i can move my thumb weirdly

me too
only my left thumb tho

idk it just the way i do it then i guess

I don’t know when to quit
usually a good thing

is bad luck counted as a skill ?

sorry brother/sister

we forgot to consider the other people living on these forums

now make one for a magical animal

I wouldn’t say that’s entirely useless. It’s pretty impressive actually.
If you were willing you could collaborate with someone who was interested in your world and liked writing to produce a product. Who knows, depending on the scale, you might get money out of it.

ye, i have people like @LonesomeWolf on my “story” board if i ever plan to make a comic for ao (unlikely, or at least not consistent) and @anon1881879 for Elementals (tho i still spearhead both projects in terms of writing). it’s more like they ask questions/propose theories/ideas and i go from there. but judging by the engagement i get with Elementals i’m not super confident ppl would care that much (which is fine bc i just do them for fun)