What’s the best ancient magic

? shockwave curse replacement


Inferno for me and yea player obtainable magic only

Thank you.

electron: poison, which is the highest total damage, + lightning, fast + ancient magic, big damage


used to, but it was “broken” so into the shadow realm it went

apparently, the damn thing cant even stop rewind fast or slow time or anything and was meant to be able to fix buildings lmao :skull:

aint that a lost ?

god grief i really hope we get at least one cold ancient magic

shatter then.

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i took screenshots of all losts and ancients before vetex deleted them on trello

I personally think shatter is going to be the best defensive magic but probably inferno or Apocolypse bringer will be the best offensive.

Inferno is the one with the highest dmg but not so big AoE it will probobly be slow too so I dont think it will be the best. I think the other fire curses is better on that aspect and my guess is that Scorch will be the best cause it will have a large AoE and decent dmg

Equinox of course

Respectfully disagree :nod:

I am glad to have another equinox lover on the forums, you are encroaching on my territory though so back off :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:

Very cool and nice :+1:

In all seriousness I’m not getting my hopes up for any now, since it’s not certain any of them will get added. Though all the cool ones likely will.

I still think promethean fire is the best visually looking :poggerfish:

i kinda dont remember ancient magics so like necromancy/death i guess lol

There you go

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