What’s the deal with cannon fist?

Bait used to be believable

exploding cannon balls errrr
also you can always go into the game yourself and try cannon fist out as a warlock or whatever since i haven’t really seen any berserkers using it

Ok then try to use exploding cannonballs sustainably with cannon fist

idk what do you mean by that

If you can be op with a huge galleon sink, but are useless otherwise, you are useless otherwise.

Besides this is even more evidence for a rework

i have like 5000 exploding shells maybe even 10000 i don’t remeber

My brother in vetex you have to be sinking like 500 ketches a day to fight in elysium for 1 hour using exploding cannonballs

Also it’s still worse than basically every other fighting style

If you minmax most things in this game can be broken

idk waht to say bro never saw anyone complaining about this but you lol

then stop complaining

Bro is not a true cfist head

It’s absolutely the worst fighting style, no question

And hell, the idea that it’s only viable using that ammo is more evidence it needs a rework

“It’s literally playable therefore nobody is allowed to criticize it”

Bait used to be believable