What’s the deal with suncry?

Bro asked if I’m slow cause I don’t believe every big guild has one pedofile LMAO. Do you hear how INSANE you sound??? Let’s take your example to the extreme and say 1 in 50 every person in the US alone was a pedofile (2% of 300 million), that would mean there are SIX MILLION pedofiles in the US. There’s around 780,000 registered sex offenders in the US and that includes other things like public indecency, sexual battery, etc. So for your estimation to be accurate when taken to its most extreme, there’d have to be six million imaginary pedos that aren’t registered

I’m not denying there might definitely be more weirdos in the community but to act like having a leader with “unusual interest” just comes with the territory and is a given for every clan is delusional

When had I said it was usual? I just expect a clan of relative size to have at least one creep, that can range from your average nsfw poster, to a weirdo 17 yo (jason) to a full blown discord mod

Note that suncry had 600 members in the discord at its peak, and considering the environment the guild was built around (toxic pvpers) it just doesn’t come to a surprise that there is a weirdo

Now cc isn’t a pvper clan, so the chance they have a pedo i would imagine wouldn’t be as high. But i wouldnt be surprised

ngl bruh this is a crazy ass statement

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Read what i added

holy shit im getting two paragraphs


motherruxking troll

We’re not talking about creeps and weirdos though, we’re talking specifically about predators.

But if what you’re saying is that having pedos within your ranks is just an avoidable consequence of having a successful guild, i guess I’ll just never join a big guild cause it’s not safe :cry:

Like what ThatOneGuy said, weird hill to die on

1st, disappointing paragraph, i was expecting more

When it comes to game with pvp it sorta is, you just gotta watch for em and get rid of them

please give a long paragraph I beg stop baiting me

Bro my issue is that you’re doubling down on this excuse lmao,

vitals response was appropriate cause he said you guys basically found out what happened and immediately acted accordingly. Which is the responsible thing to do. That’s called taking accountability

You’re basically saying its an inevitable issue and trying to throw other clans under the bus cause you guys had an unfortunate fuckup.

It’s not as hype as you think trust me it’s a lot of me re-writing and thinking. This is a weird fucking topic and developments are coming and going as I type it. I like to try to get my thoughts right the first time and I cannot articulate well, so stuff changes all the time as I write. Me speaking irl is a fucking nightmare, I stutter a lot because of this lol

So let me rephrase my first message since you had a problem with it.

Most guilds get away with not having one KNOWN pedo (which is even worse LMAO)

This is my last message on this thread

haha I just type and edit as i go.

Thats most definitely not what I’m doing, don’t know how you came to that conclusion. I was just use cc as a potential example

And it is unavoidable until they show their true colours, you won’t know someone’s a pedo within your ranks until they do something

Also I’m not going to take accountability for something I wasn’t part of, I wasn’t a member of suncry then

You should also know that I’m not saying it’s not fucked up what Jason did

I lied

By unavoidable I meant inevitable

I feel u

Alright that makes more sense.

But yea this is my final point lol

Is it unavoidable that pedophiles will emerge in groups? Yes. Pedophiles are people and people are capable of taking on roles and positions in groups, so it’s entirely possible. My issue was never that notion but the scale you claimed it was. This wasn’t even an issue on your part but mine as I had thought that CC was not nearly as big as it was. I do not know it’s size, I assume about 50 people are in the guild but it could be more or less idfk. It’s on me but at the same time side from joining the guild (or discord) or asking someone in it I got no way of finding out, neither of which I am too motivated to do.

The claim that there was a guaranteed pedophile within a group of, what I believe to be, 50 people baffled me and seemed outlandish. If you meant just some weirdos and slight creeps, more reasonable, and if the guild was thrice it’s size even more so believable. But I initially interpreted it as a genuine pedophile for every group of a few dozen people and your claim was that that was the inevitable and unavoidable portion.

Since I wrote my initial reply and to this point it seems that you just meant general creeps are inevitable, not just fucking pedos, and that the size of CC is larger than I thought so the sample size is definitely increased which makes this far more reasonable. My only gripe with your initial reply was that it seemed you claimed there is a pedo for every 30-50 people out there, to me that’s how it seemed, and such an idea will always be silly for me outside of maybe a fucking prison. Still that is all on my end, I didn’t have much more to argue with or point against. Just that.

Did I really need a fucking paragraph for this? I’m a loser lmfao.

Finally a paragraph :pray::pray::pray: