What’s the fantasy world you have built in your mind look like

Gonna revive this old post made by @anon86875242 since theres a lot of new people
So yeah just answer the question, my brain just thinksof random worlds and landscapes and hypotheticals when im bored

My answer

I do have a few fantasy “worlds” i guess depending on the setting
Like theres one that i think of thats super omega advanced like this, while still being human. Basically imagine our society right now but in a super advanced world like this

but then i also have more fantasy grounded worlds that fit more “generic” feel of of the rpg medival fantasy world kinda thing, could also be steampunk related. Yknow the vibe; magic, kingdoms, fantastical beasts, huge cities, lore, etc.

and then FINALLY there is the Tower of God themed world where theres like 130 floors with each floor being the size of basically earth. and they are all different from eachother and stuff
if you read ToG you know
but yeah that last idea based on tog is basically infinite possibilities anyway

You probably noticed that in all of these made up worlds I tend to really like huge gigantic overarching worlds and stories, maybe videogames in like 8000 years could make this a reality

If you want to know the artists who made those amazing art pieces just @ me


find a picture on the internet coward

AO but irl

sea of thieves

okay then how’s this

generally i just enjoy very watery environments but also temples/miscellaneous structures with ornate gold decorations on them (google “Orokin design”)

yo thats hot, I like when nature and a futuristic design mesh together, as long as its done right.
That looks like the perfect mix between futuristic design, temple design, and nature
Imagine just walking around the exterior of that or being inside that ship/boat thing on the water :hot_face:

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yeah this is basically my favorite shit ever

if i ever do decide to dabble in making games again (don’t bet on it) i’m probably gonna put a lot of this in it lol

A world where people fight by playing music to each other and the more difficult pieces you play the more powerful you are.

Basically Asian Hunger Games


idk, I just think a shit ton about dinosaurs walking alongside the car I’m in

so, your fantasy world is just the flintstones?


Atleast the richer asians hehe.

The fantasy world I wanna create at some point (if I practice my art enough to make it a webtoon) would probably be influenced by naruto and some isekais. Were the world is filled with paladins. People who have the physical skills of a knight and who use the magic of mages to combat witches/wizards (ppl who made a deal with demons)


imma get some more images that describe your guys’s fantasy worlds btw

I guess mine is a mix of many different stories/games I have seen/played, AA/WoM, Vesteria, HP (book series), Undertale and a few more.
One way to explain it is ‘the normal world but with a little more magic than usual’.
I did make part of a story on it.

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idk. shit like this

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Hehe, isekai. Imagine a world where you can respawn hehe.

Oh my, pacific rim has reached a whole new level hehe.

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Kaijus in space

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Rip ISS.

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