What’s your problem with the storyline?

Oh no, I’m more than on agreement on showing what Curse users can do rather than being told what they can do. Julian outright one-shot us, and Morden was able to fight him to a standstill (or at least escape), so that should give us an insight on how actually strong they are.

I was just making an example if Vetex REALLY wanted to do it at that part in the story.

I think the story is kinda just repetitive and boring and the characters are just kinda dry its pretty disappointing with character development when the character im the most invested in is the guy who almost died from calvuses attack that deals like 20 damage

Bro… you are looking at 15% of the entire story, of course they wouldnt have their actual character development yet, we’re literally at the beginning of the entire story :skull:

its not that good for early game either, feeling like it goes to slow and fast at the same time
Iris goes from hating you to venting out about her dad and stuff, something that probably should be saved for late vimir when i feel like she would trust you more as you travel together. Morden just seems too obviously affected, and people like ruby roger are probably going to die to a fortified brig in nimbus. I know that she does slightly get to know you better and better, but to be honest you should still essentially be strangers, since you only really meet up ever so often unlike morden, who stays with you for pretty much the entire story. Everybody who mentors you like warren just feels like a parent who makes you do chores for him, and it just doesnt sit right with me, like if he had the amount of power that he was implied to have, he could have just killed king calvus with a disguise on. Irises character doesnt have much depth either, just being a girl who gets really angry but has an insecurity. Mordens is honestly pretty cool, since it has a personal conflict he has between his pacifist mindset and the death curse, but i feel like the other characters just lack depth.

Another thing that I have an issue with is the fight scenes. In one of them, she disintegrates a centurion and like fifteen other soldiers, but during forest of masts, she loses like 900 health to level 60 pirates. I’m probably being really picky since breaking bad and stuff has spoiled me with really good compelling characters that probably dont even fit in the arcane universe

I still love the story, its pretty well written even if there are glaring flaws in it

tl dr iris sucks i hope iris gets stabbed by a castaway i rescued and i can have some frost brigand as my second group member

Tbh, the only reason why she even goes with you is because she kinda has nowhere to go now. Her only purpose was to find her dad, who seems to be the only person she was close to, but he’s gone.

It’s also hinted she was a loner and that she probably had no friends (which was my impression to her reaction when you call her a friend).

Tbh, I did thought it makes some sense that Iris is somewhat more quicker to pen up as she’s got no reservations in expressing how she feels (anger and all) and that you chose to help her all the eay through despite being a stranger. Thats what the whole point of the conversation in Windrow.

This part is mostly my opinion though, you can disagree with this part.

But do realise she never really “hated” us at the start. She just thought we were a bounty hunter coming to track her down. It was never personal hate, we were getting in her way, and she was clearly not in the right mindset at the time lol

He wouldnt have known that King Calvus was a High Lord, it seems we killed him before Warren seems to find out.

Plus, it would likely still have repercussions, the main reason why he didnt get involved in the Keraxe War is because his own kingdom will also end up in war as well. He was trying to avoid being seen in the Bronze Sea at all because he used to be a famous figure there.

He could have a disguise, sure, but I doubt it would last long. Sensing exists in this world too, they would know something’s up with this dude.

Didnt she literally say that her power is tied to her emotions and that its actually weaker when she’s not angry? At Ravenna Prison Arc, she was FUMING. She never found her father, meaning she realised she was dead. So she was channelling all that anger at the time (she literally says she needs to blow off some steam)

That time, she probably wasnt as angry (well, on that personal level), and it seems the amount of pirates constantly coming at her worn her down.


do you think the side characters ever question the morality of dragging an amnesia patient around to assassinate royalty and high ranking members of a secret organization?


Said royalty also partakes in genocide.

ok…? oh wow111!! a curse user dies by the one weakness imposed on them??!1! and it was because the sheer power he eminated collapse an entire frigate??1!111

what a loser!
Dawg, humble yourself before I must impose the wrath of Morock.

i thought it was from the shockwave curse, y’know, creating shockwaves

na, he just forgot he had the strongest curse and it fucking decimated his entire ship on accident

Honestly they should question our sanity too :sob:

I can solo your favorite dumbass with a 15 dollar super soaker from walmart

:nerd_face: ermm… no you can’t, because that water doesn’t have arcane salt, neither is in a large quantity :nerd:

…why would I not be allowed to fill up the super soaker with AU seawater

grasping for straws here bro

(also I don’t think it’d require a lot of water to kill morock considering something about the stronger a curse user is the more volatile they react to seawater)

Cursebeard needs atleast 1/4 of his body covered, so I’d assume Morock would be about there, or maybe less since he’s stronger.

That’s really not hard to do with one of these bad boys:
SPYRA™ | experience the world´s strongest water blasters

That releases like 1 spray, you’d take like a day to kill him, and he’d just blast your skull and be on his way.

the spyra-two is actually a fully automated squirt gun so it’d be a lot easier to soak him

I’d love to see the look of terror on his face as he deals decimal levels of true damage to me and I regen it away all unscathed

did you think your silly little white flames can stop me? the man of a million magics? the arcane infinitum? my, you must be truly delusional indeed! mwahahahahaha… :smiling_imp:

bro forgot im the main character :sob:
with this treasure i summon Morock, the Hound of god :pray:

Million magics: penis explosion magic: testicular combustion

well that was easy