What’s your problem with the storyline?


bro im not even a guy anymore and I can feel this :sob:


blud just learned about trans people at the very instant he posted that

What’s that

im not getting into it


ohh right that stuff

you know sometimes I wonder how old is Ravenna?

I think like 400-500 years old? Calvus mentions how the war seas will be no better than they were “500 years ago” before the mc kills him, so Ravenna likely came along sometime within that time frame. Or maybe a bit later I dunno.

nah what he means is if the order collapses, so the order is 500 years old
my headcanon is ravenna is 100-200 years old

Oh yeah my bad forgot about that. It really all depends on how old Ocatavious was when he died cause we know Nero’s reign got cut short and Calvus ruled for barely more than a decade.

But it also depends when Nero’s reign got cut short. For all we know, he could’ve ruled for two centuries before being captured by the navy.

Presumably they would’ve gotten him relatively soon after he exterminated Winterveil which seems to be something he did pretty soon after founding Ravenna. Otherwise the Navy would have to be a pretty crappy police force.

Doubt Ravenmna is that old, but Nero could have had the curse before forming Ravenna.

It’s implied Nero very swiftly after forming Ravenna went on to declare war on the at the time Hegemon of the “Bronze” Sea (probably wasn’t called that) because he wanted to become the strongest.

Also, Neviro only being 20, and Akursius keep being 50 tells us that Nero probably committed his crimes some time about 80-60 years prior to the start of AO.

It’s probably not even a century old, but Ravenna likely had existed in some form prior, because it was a pretty prominent IRL city during the time Prometheus would have still been alive (and the population had to come from somewhere + it was a massive island) So I suppose The Ravenna Realm was preceded by some Latin state that existed prior to it.

My headcanon was always that it was formed in the Y1750s or smth like that. But it could have possibly been formed back in Y1675??? Who knows

I always thought calvus was in his thirties soooo…
And i always thought his children were around 7

I correctly predicted the fact the Wotan had 4 sons sooo?

10 years ago is crazy

Missed 100 years

my bad chat