What’s your problem with the storyline?

yes he was just built like that (not in a good way)
he spams magic and not even effectively
its like giving a toddler a gun and having the toddler fight a grown man with a sword

the order explicitly trained him, you’re saying he never fought anyone then

you can train without real practice, you’ll be shit at what you train at tho
(for example calvus)

thats ridiculous, this is one of the biggest organizations on the war seas and calvus is a high lord, they’d do more for him than teaching him how to use crash and pulsar

“yo bro you said you needed some help? heres scrolls, peace out”

headcannon, also that makes the order look dumb as hell to raise one of their high lords with an inherent lost magic since childhood that can get solo’d by some random thats lv100 (nimbus sea fodder pirate)

yet these are the people pursuing knowledge of magic and bla bla bla you get the point, it either doesnt make sense, or it makes the order look bad

btw I can accept that the order maybe took advantage of his position and just groomed him to be ass to make him a powerless political figure, but all that is headcannon until either vetex confirms it or is written somewhere

Vetex said himself that Calvus, in Savant fashion, didn’t have a very good spread in his training. he did too much of everything rather than focusing on one thing at a time.

think of it like having an even spread in all 4 stats.

calvus probably has more points into each stat than we do all of ours combined

well yeah, he can use his Triasta skills and Aether skills and Pulsar, plus he has like, 3.5k+ HP

but my point is that he wasn’t training properly. he was training, but he was doing a little of everything rather than focusing on one thing at a time like you should

i was just using the stats as something to compare it to. stats don’t exist in canon, but what does is his awful training

so either the order is ass or they intentionally trained him wrong as a joke

i think it’s moreso he was on his own.

i doubt the Order really trained him, and i doubt they expected him to have to actually fight anyone. i’m sure the majority of his training was on his own accord, and being a child, it’s natural it wasn’t an amazing routine.

the order used him solely for his rare Lost Magic and his high position. they saw an opportunity to spread their word and have a rare trophy, not gain a high and mighty fighter.

he’s by no means weak, he’s probably pretty smart and he uses skills we don’t have access to, meaning he’s probably creative. it’s just he spread his training too far too thin.

if he focused on things in bits rather than dabbling in everything all at once i’m sure he’d be a better fighter

either that or, yeah, the order is just hot garbage

We are similar the Theos so we are literally him

i could beat him with enough prep time

Also, I got this feeling that AO MC wasnt entirely untrained by the start of the game.

I mean, we start from lvl 1, but storywise, I feel like its implied that AO MC has some combat experience before the whole amnesia thing, and they still retained some muscle memory of their skills. (Which is a real thing too, people still retain their knowledge even if they forgot how they got it).

MC was able to fight a good number of invading pirates not long after coming out of a near death experience, and would later discover that they have a for knack of combat after somewhat winning Shura, in which they werent sure they could prior.

I dont think AO MC was a stranger to combat in the past, nor were they entirely untrained either.

While theyre young, I believe they mightve been just slightly ahead in terms of combat experience out of the rest of the group (until that one month tineskip which allowed them to catch up)