What’s your problem with the storyline?

Didn’t think of that, hopefully after meeting some of the cast we have a breather and get a chance to know them

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would it be better if i used maya’s kingdom plans and the ambanes guy as examples :sob: they’re not relevant to the main story so i hope that clears the confusion??

Yeah more cutscenes would be pretty cool ngl

You make me remember Water 7 Arc (when they first time met Franky)
I remember extensively how many of the straw hats are separated, especially Nico Robin and her involvement with the Navy

however, because it’s an anime, instead of being used as a crutch to hide characterization, they are used to show characters and challenge them emotionally and physically, such stuff that AO lacked.

I will never forget Usopp’s face when he realizes Merry is lost cause to fix and still do it anyways

I do hope the cutscene won’t be too much of a heavy read, sometimes the way dialogue is formatted doesn’t feel right where they just say something that felt long winded (info dumping) and it sort of takes off the believability


I wouldnt mind seeing outside perspectives that would be pretty cool or even memory flash backs of other characters

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The fact that the characters have a severe lack of braincells

i guess sending emissaries to fly up can be difficult (these guys literally got captured by pirates recently, they’re pretty defenseless)

as much of a massive convenience it is that we’re the ones getting sent to skyhall insteaad of any other trusted member of sameria’s military, I’m not complaining since I am very excited to see skyhall

same I’m really excited for it, on top of the new ally we’re bound to meet, and also access to a glider too. I think the people of sky hall naturally have wings?

theres no evident for that, neither the one in cirtrus nor the one in AU have wings

Order reveals too late unfortunately

I mean that’s fair, but I don’t think adventuring and a bunch of the odd jobs of the mc, the combined wealth and efforts of a broke criminal, broke edgy mf, and a broke man actively being hunted by the government of most of the sea will combines up to 20k galleons, which I would assume is the actual cost for a brig.

too late???
when do you want to know? when we beat iris??
IMO order reveal is too EARLY, we dont know a single notable face from the bronze sea yet we know about the literally considered dead shadow evil organisation. We dont even fight elius, we know about it after we go down to warren with the cloak…

So they’d literally be sky people from one piece but tbf it’s not like problem with wings was unique lol

Not 2 minutes before argos

none of the ravenna characters or bosses are meant to be longstanding or important characters in the story, and there was no opportunity to bring them up without spoiling what they are especially considering half the bronze sea story is spent chasing after the order, the player has no opportunity to go anywhere else during this

not sure why so many people think these characters needed insane buildup or something when the bronze sea makes up like 15% of the story, obviously the actual important villains will have buildup

also ravenna is mentioned in frostmill which a lot of people seem to miss for some reason


the dark sea in lore is extremely deadly and dangerous, there is no reason for characters in lore to go out there. Wotan is the exception because he’s one of the most powerful people in the war seas and wants to cross it to conquer new lands, but for the average sailor itd be like sailing into certain death

well the group went from meeting up to break you out of prison, to killing a king, to running from a fleet, to being ambushed by pirates, to now being split up and being a part of a war, there isn’t really a moment where they could sit down and laugh or something considering the events that are taking place at the moment


i dont see what you mean by this, if a character like warren is explaining awakenings he will obviously have to go on a tangent, him stopping every few sentences for the player to go “Mhm” “Oh” etc would make it worse


in terms of actual story there would be a lot more stuff happening before cirrus island where the player explores more and such, but since its a game its expected the player will do this stuff on their own time


a recurring character not appearing at every single island the player goes to isnt a plothole, its implied hes off doing his own things


iris just lost her father and is still unsure of her purpose in life as she is dragged into a war she doesn’t really want to be a part of, her acting spontaneous and angry at this moment in time wouldnt make sense considering the plot